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Stubborn puppy, frustrated owner - help!


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I swear every post I read I am thankful again that yall are here. Jack has been bratty alllll day. Brat Brat Brat starting with waking me 3x last night barking and digging in his crate. What do yall do when the brat starts barking at night waking the whole house?

Ignoring him doesn't do anything, and it's only at night. I'm getting frustrated.

He's started that spazzing out thing when I take him to potty, and nipping/biting the back of my legs as I walk. BTW we're currently in a snowstorm, and I can only stand the whipping cold for about 10 minutes at a time. I know I've only had him a few days, and I have to keep reminding myself of where he came from- Crate hell, and that it's going to take time to shape him up. You all are a blessing and I'm thankful you're all here.

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Jack has been bratty alllll day. Brat Brat Brat starting with waking me 3x last night barking and digging in his crate. What do yall do when the brat starts barking at night waking the whole house?

If you know Jack does not need to go potty I would be putting in a different room or, right next to my bed where I could correct him a bit. When brand new I keep them close to my bed and if they are upset (they did just leave their world for a new one) I dangle my fingers in the crate (hanging off the side of the bed) so they know I am close and can nuzzle a bit. But after that initial time where they know they are home and comfortable I give the crate a shake or rattle and tell them NO. Sternly but not scary.

Sometimes they just wake up and need to be reminded that it's still quite time. You could also leave him something nonedible to chew on in his crate for occupied time. But mine aren't allowed to chew in my bedroom at night. It keeps me up! ;)

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I like to have my puppy's crate in my bedroom, too. I have never had a new puppy cry all night, because they seem to respond well to fingers through the bars, quiet reassurances and knowing they are not alone. I don't handle sleep deprivation very well, but strive to be very patient. Once they are older and settled in, like Kirsten, I will speak very sternly for the pup to quiet down in the crate if I know they don't need to potty. However, they sleep well after the first couple of nights. I also tend to put the puppy on my bed once I know they won't have an accident or run wild, wreaking havoc through the night. Some made it to the bed within a couple of days of coming home. Quinn, who wanted to run wild and wreak havoc, was about 6 months or a bit older before he slept on the bed at night. My first Sheltie was under 8 weeks when he was allowed on the bed and would let me know he needed to go out during by gently nibbling on my ear. :wub:

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It's been a long time since I've had a baby puppy, but the last time I did I did what I'd always done before and set the crate up next to the bed so I could be there and dangle my fingers, etc. Then she cried the first time and I thought to myself, this is just a baby who's been taken from her mother and her littermates. She'd never had to sleep alone before and was lonely and possibly scared, not knowing what was going on in her world.


So I did what I believed any caring mother would do and scooped her up and put her in bed with me. She snuggled right in and went to sleep. She let me know when she had to go potty and I took her out then, no accidents in bed. We did this for a few nights until she was crate trained and more confident about living with me, and then she slept in the crate at night.


I never regretted my decision and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

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Well I was just so darn tired. I was almost embarrassed when I went back and re-read my own post. LOL

Yesterday afternoon I put on 3 pairs of wool socks, my snow boots, sweater, jacket, 2 scarves, gloves. I took Jack and a tennis ball out in the snowfall and just started rolling the ball, rolling the ball. After that I changed my gloves out and we walked a while, til the snow stopped falling. I introduced him to "kill the snow," where you pounce on it and bite it and chase it around. He hopped and jumped and killed every snowflake in the yard. After dinner he started falling asleep on my feet. I put him in the crate, pet him goodnight, and we both slept like the dead.

He just needed to get it all out, methinks.

Today was much better, and he's starting to "flick an ear" when I charge the clicker. We might be getting there, hopefully.


You guys are the best.

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