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Thyroid problems--agression


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On some of the other threads reference has been made to aggression being very common in dogs with thyriod issues. Could those that have experienced it share what they know.


My friend's dogs in the last month or so has been getting very aggressive toward other dogs. Even dogs she was raised with. Aggression is a nice term..it's almost like she goes into a rage. And it's getting worse..


Also within the last few weeks her coat is changing colors..She's a blk/white..Her black is turning red/brown at the roots..looks like she's past due for a dye job.


We expect it may be (and hoping) that it's thyroid but neither one of us has ever had any experiences with it.


BTW the dog is almost 5..Been well socialize..trials regularly..always enjoyed the end of the trial day when all the dogs run together in the field..

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Rather an old link I'm afraid (it is also about thyroid problems despite the title).




Not sure how knowledge of the condition may have advanced since then but Jean Dodds still seems to be the "go to" person oon the subject afaik.

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My dog became extra cranky several years ago. Took awhile for me to put the coat problems, the impossible weight loss, and her always being cold together. Had her thyroid checked and sure enough it was out of whack. She went back to normal as soon as she went on meds (took a bit for her coat to grow back normal)




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My daughter has a bitch whom she adopted at 5 weeks og age from a shelter. She has been an individual with her own attitude all her life but had become more easily reactive to certain stimuli with age, along with manifesting some pain or discomfort issues and deterioration in coat quality. Tests showed thyroid issues. A combination of thyroid medication and pain meds have allowed this 10 year old girl to become more comfortable and better-balanced in her never-optimal temperment.


I hope you get things worked out.


PS - You are probably well aware (but I wasn't) that basic thyroid testing won't be as helpful or conclusive as more extensive thyroid testing (not at home to check my vet records to tell you something more specific).

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Just an update. She was able to get the dog into the vet today. He felt thyroid was a good place to start (full panel). BUT he strongly suspects from her behavior patterns and his past experience that it may be cystic ovaries. So running blood work ups on that too.


Should have some results tomorrow..but most will take a week or 10 days.


Will keep everyone posted.

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