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Is Sound Sensitivity Genetic?

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It's that time of year again, when people are reminded to keep their dogs inside to prevent them running away when they're frightened by fireworks. I had a sound-sensitive Border Collie once and although she's gone now her littermate stays at my house often. And you guessed it, she's terrified of thunder, fireworks, and PA-systems just like my girl was. I also know of several more dogs closely related to them that are also sound sensitive. So, is this a genetic issue?

Luckily, my current Border Collies don't seem bothered by storms or fireworks. Rose (rescue) just twitches and goes back to snooze-land. Loki, my youngster, always thinks someone is at the front door knocking. AFter I open the front door so he can see no one is outside he gives me a confused look, finds a toy, and entertains himself while ignoring the weird sounds. After years of trying to trial a Border Collie that can't be shown when there are storms, if a announcement system is used, loud vehicles in the area, etc. it's quite nice to have dogs that simply don't care. One day I will add another dog to my household and I'd like to make sure that I get a dog without this tendency. So, does anyone know if there are certain lines more prone to this? Has anyone seen a genetic tendency for it?

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I imagine there's a genetic compoment, but I have a bitch who is a bit sensitive to gunshots and thunder (but not to the point of really affecting our lives) and yet the two pups of hers that I have (turning 6 this month) have no concern whatsoever about noise (and as far as I know, my bitch's dam and sire were not noise sensitive). I have a three year old who doesn't like thunder--doesn't panic, just gets nervous--and his father is bothered by thunder.


Because of the variability I suspect that genetics play a role, but may not be the whole story, or at least the genetics are complex enough that you can't predict for certain that noise senstive dog = noise sensitive offspring.



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There is a study at UCSF on sound sensitivity and genetics. You can find more info here.

UCSF Canine Behavioral Genetics - noise phobia in Border Collies

Yes, they are finding there is a genetic component to sound sensitivity in BCs, which some BC breeders have already figured out. They are working towards being able to do genetic testing.


Hope this helps,



It's that time of year again, when people are reminded to keep their dogs inside to prevent them running away when they're frightened by fireworks. I had a sound-sensitive Border Collie once and although she's gone now her littermate stays at my house often. And you guessed it, she's terrified of thunder, fireworks, and PA-systems just like my girl was. I also know of several more dogs closely related to them that are also sound sensitive. So, is this a genetic issue?

Luckily, my current Border Collies don't seem bothered by storms or fireworks. Rose (rescue) just twitches and goes back to snooze-land. Loki, my youngster, always thinks someone is at the front door knocking. AFter I open the front door so he can see no one is outside he gives me a confused look, finds a toy, and entertains himself while ignoring the weird sounds. After years of trying to trial a Border Collie that can't be shown when there are storms, if a announcement system is used, loud vehicles in the area, etc. it's quite nice to have dogs that simply don't care. One day I will add another dog to my household and I'd like to make sure that I get a dog without this tendency. So, does anyone know if there are certain lines more prone to this? Has anyone seen a genetic tendency for it?

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I had a dog that was noise sensitive, but not fearful, learn to be fearful from watching another dog have a panic reaction to a thunderstorm. Fortunately, when that dog went home it only took a few thundstorms for mine to figure out that maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

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