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Meet Obi (or, my contribution to puppy fever)

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Well, since I never properly introduced Mer (the dog in my avatar, who is my heartdog and my agility buddy, despite being retired from competition), I thought I'd share the cuteness. Be thankful you don't have to share the inexhaustible energy :-)


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This is Obi. She's 8.5 weeks, came home last Wednesday. I did an 11 hour round trip in one day to pick her up, but I've been waiting for a pup from this breeder since last fall, so it was worth it. Especially if she becomes my next agility partner someday.


I was definitely worried when I picked her up, because she and her sister were very shy (took a couple minutes to approach me, even with chicken). So we've spent the past couple days getting used to each other at home, and meeting a few people and dogs before ramping up the socialization. She's definitely improving, though she has a ways to go. Fortunately, she is fearless when it comes to climbing/running/jumping things...I've never met a puppy with this much bounce!


She's also had some trouble learning to interact with me, in terms of training. Follows me, and is very polite and not mouthy. But I don't think she understood what the concept of training was at first. She does know verbals for "sit," "down," and "touch," finally. Her name/recall are next, and we'll start working on kennel, leave it, and fetch. Oh, and drop it, because she LOVES to tug. She also loves toys of any kind, and bones, though she is not highly food motivated.


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Mer enjoys tugging with her, and wishes fervently that she would 1. play with her (which she is too nervous to do) and 2. stop making such a racket at night/in the morning. She doesn't need to go out (she's only had one accident, and sort of eliminates on command, but definitely knows she needs to go as soon as we go outside).


BUT she loves to amuse herself in her crate by wriggling, biting the bars, throwing around her bone or toys if they're in there, etc. Sigh. She can't be out playing all the time, but I hope she figures out that time outs are necessary soon! I and (Mer) would like a little peace and quiet back in our lives. It would be easier if we had a "crate room," but I rent a single room in someone's house. So we shall have to make do :-)


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Anyways, it has been a learning experience. I do feel guilty for disrupting Mer's life, but am trying to make it up to her. And I'm grateful Obi's been as good as she has been, and look forward to learning alot with her.

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What a cutie!!


She's also had some trouble learning to interact with me, in terms of training. Follows me, and is very polite and not mouthy. But I don't think she understood what the concept of training was at first.


No dog come with that pre-installed!!


Her little life has been turned upside down 5 days ago yet she's happily following you around, playing and knows sit, down and touch. She's doing great!!


Just breathe and have fun with her :) And post lots of pictures :D

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Super cute! Don't worry too much about serious training right now. She'll catch on. Have fun with her, relax and let her be a puppy and build your relationship. You'll both be fine! If she tends towards shyness, I'd work on socialization, but know her limits, too. Enjoy, she sure is adorable!

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Well, since I never properly introduced Mer (the dog in my avatar, who is my heartdog and my agility buddy, despite being retired from competition), I thought I'd share the cuteness. Be thankful you don't have to share the inexhaustible energy :-)


post-10102-019028000 1340677656_thumb.jpg


This is Obi. She's 8.5 weeks, came home last Wednesday. I did an 11 hour round trip in one day to pick her up, but I've been waiting for a pup from this breeder since last fall, so it was worth it. Especially if she becomes my next agility partner someday.


I was definitely worried when I picked her up, because she and her sister were very shy (took a couple minutes to approach me, even with chicken). So we've spent the past couple days getting used to each other at home, and meeting a few people and dogs before ramping up the socialization. She's definitely improving, though she has a ways to go. Fortunately, she is fearless when it comes to climbing/running/jumping things...I've never met a puppy with this much bounce!


She's also had some trouble learning to interact with me, in terms of training. Follows me, and is very polite and not mouthy. But I don't think she understood what the concept of training was at first. She does know verbals for "sit," "down," and "touch," finally. Her name/recall are next, and we'll start working on kennel, leave it, and fetch. Oh, and drop it, because she LOVES to tug. She also loves toys of any kind, and bones, though she is not highly food motivated.


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Mer enjoys tugging with her, and wishes fervently that she would 1. play with her (which she is too nervous to do) and 2. stop making such a racket at night/in the morning. She doesn't need to go out (she's only had one accident, and sort of eliminates on command, but definitely knows she needs to go as soon as we go outside).


BUT she loves to amuse herself in her crate by wriggling, biting the bars, throwing around her bone or toys if they're in there, etc. Sigh. She can't be out playing all the time, but I hope she figures out that time outs are necessary soon! I and (Mer) would like a little peace and quiet back in our lives. It would be easier if we had a "crate room," but I rent a single room in someone's house. So we shall have to make do :-)


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Anyways, it has been a learning experience. I do feel guilty for disrupting Mer's life, but am trying to make it up to her. And I'm grateful Obi's been as good as she has been, and look forward to learning alot with her.

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Sigh. I know, I guess my biggest problem is that I honestly don't know how to engage a dog other than by training it. Everything is a game, of course...like today, we went outside and did some chase games/recalls, then I threw her two balls for her, and by the end we segued sort of into this ready-sit-throw-call and reward-repeat with other ball. I can't help it, I think it's pathologic :-) My other dog, she does not know how NOT to play in a very structured manner. If I take her outside and tell her to just walk around and sniff, she will lie on the ground staring at me or a stick or a toy for 30 minutes straight, just waiting for me to play with her. I will sort of accidentally start training with dogs when I am visiting someone else's house, or if I am out in public with someone's dog. I suppose it's OK, because that is how I like my dogs to be, and Mer seems happy enough. Obi seemed happy enough today too; I will just have to be sure she stays that way.


I am usually too engrossed by the puppy to take pictures, but do have some :-) http://www.flickr.com/photos/81304799@N08/?uploaded=5&magic_cookie=cd876908f72a380e46a680b92a38b045

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Congrats on your new, awesomely cute pup!


She sounds like she has the go-go-go attitude you are looking for. As Maralyn said, give her time to develop a relationship with you. I think a relationship is built on more than just responding well to training - and it takes time.


I know you have high expectations for her, but don't forget to just let her be a puppy without direction. They will grow up to be what you trained them to be, and if you want a dog that can entertain themselves, you may have to train that behavior. Since you like to train, so training her to not need structured play would be a new training challenge.


Keep us updated!



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So I also have a new puppy. He is 15 weeks old now and not a purebred border collie.


One thing I decided to do with him that is different than with my other pups was allow him to get used to things and be a pup. I did that for about 2 weeks with just a tad bit of training. He LOVES to play tug so we play that a lot. I am just now working on teaching him to retrieve. My goal is to play flyball with him just like my other dogs.


I signed him up for a puppy Kindergarten class and our first class is Sunday but he has been to flyball tournaments and practice.


He is a social butterfly and just wants to have fun so decided to lay off some and let him be a puppy.


Give Obi a chance to get used to his new surroundings for a week or 2 and don't expect a lot. Just enjoy watching him be a puppy.


One thing you can try though is putting Obi in the crate and doing something fun with Mer and see if that helps make Obi want to participate. I do this with my pups and you would be amazed at the "drive" that can be created by doing so.

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What a beautiful pup...I love the split face! I'm sharing the adventures of puppyhood as well. I'm sure we will be learning a great deal from the boards :)

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