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Itchy Paws


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Hello All!

So Willow was at K9 Kamp all weekend while I was away (3 days, 2 nights). It is a non kennel facility where she plays with all the dogs durring the day and then at night she was boarded at the owners house for the night with her own bed. When I picked her up yesterday they had given her a bath for me so I didnt pick up a stinky dog. The person who owns this place said she did fantastic and everyone loved her.

When I brought her home I noticed that she keeps licking her paws (she never does this). So I checked them out and the inside of her paws are a little pink and irritated. Im wondering if it has to do with the rocks she was walking on all weekend or the soap they used to wash her. What do you recommend I use to put on the inner paws? Her pads look fine.

Thank you!

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Tiga's paws are always itchy from his allergies. His always look red and irritated but it's mostly because the fur on his paws is white and the reaction of the saliva reacts and changes the color. When his get too bad then we'll soak them in burosol. You can get it at the pharmacy. It comes in a box of packages of powder that you dissolve in water and soak each paw for a few minutes then dry them off. There is another form of burosol but it's the powder that you want.

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