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Does Daniel need added flea & tick protection?


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I know it's a bad flea and tick season pretty much all over, but have heard it's exceptionally bad in the Carolinas.


We will be traveling with Daniel to N. Carolina (Charlotte area) this summer. He's currently on Trifexis (since October). Do I need to add anything to this, such as a topical, just to be safe? Don't want to overdose him, but don't want him under protected either.


Thanks in advance. :)


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I know it's a bad flea and tick season pretty much all over, but have heard it's exceptionally bad in the Carolinas.


It is ALWAYS bad here. I'd check with your vet because I don't know what can and cannot be used with Trifexis, but I would vote for a topical in addition. Some folks swear by the preventic collars, but for some reason I remember they're in short supply this year? Anyway, for just that one month I'd hit him with Frontline or Advantix, assuming that's OK from an overdose standpoint.

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