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Canine disc

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I really want to learn more about canine disc and my dogs love it, but where I live there are no teachers that teach canine disc or any competitions so basicly everything has to go through web search or boos.

I was wondering if anyone could give me useful informations or maybe post some useful links or ideas of books ?

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There are a few good sites out there about disc dogs.. FEW. but they are there.


1st.. gotta learn the disc basics.. helpful web video series is here: http://www.ehow.com/videos-on_7745_freestyle-frisbee-throws-tricks.html


2nd.. skyhoundz rule! http://www.skyhoundz.com/ they themselves have several books/dvds and such to help you out, plus there are links to locations and info about competitions.


3rd.. just have fun. Oh.. and you might want to invest in a case of : http://www.dtworld.com/Fastback_Cosmetic_Misprints_p/d170-rej.htm .. you will go through em .. good luck =)

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