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Guest maya's mom

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Guest maya's mom

We have had issues with Maya vomiting for a while now. Almost two years ago, we had Xrays that didn't show much other than a little inflammation in the stomach, and the vet suggested we give her some pepcid, which she did. The frequency of the vomitng and regurgitation has fluctuated, but within the past few months we felt it was getting worse. She was doing one or the other almost every day at least once, though she has no other symptoms.(Not tired, very energetic and alert, never turns away food, doesn't seem to be in pain, etc.)


Long story short though, over the past 3 days, the vomiting has been numerous times a day so I took her to the vet yesterday. Through exams and XRays with barium, they ruled out a blockage and megaesophagus, so that was good. They are basically just saying that she's in a period of acute gastroenteritis, but that it's probably a more chronic condition.


The steps we were told to take for the next 10 days, were a 24 hour fast, which was yesterday. Then today I can start back a bland diet, but only 2 teaspoons of food every 1-2 hours, and limited water. I am to increase this amount over the next week until we can get to 7-10 days without any vomiting. I am also to give a medication twice a day, but the name is escaping me right now. (Starts with an M.....). Once this period is over, we can begin going back to a "normal" diet.


My question is, what suggestions would you have for food after she is through this period? Currently, she is fed Orijen, dry kibble, adult formula. The vet said that Orijen is very concentrated and that dry kibble also sometimes affects the stomach negatively becuase of expansion after it hits the stomach. She suggested possibly switiching foods and if we stay on a dry kibble, to moisten it. She also suggested possibly going to a canned food, and/or feeding less food more frequently. (Maya currently gets 1 cup of Orijen in the morning, and 1/2 cup in the evening.) I've done research on good foods, but not ones good for dogs with GI issues.


Any advice for ongoing treatment of this is greatly appreciated.


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The standard "bland due to stomach issues" diet is boiled chicken with rice. I buy the lowest fat ground chicken or turkey I can find and plain white rice, then add the meat to the rice the last few minutes of cooking. I do about 1/2 lb meat to 2 cups of rice.


Then whatever you feed gradually add it back in.


I would consider changing foods, not that there's anything wrong with Orijen, but that some dogs and some foods just don't agree. If that doesn't clear it up I'd be looking for some other reason that she has such a long history of stomach issues. Maybe she has an allergy or sensitivity to something.

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My older dog had a terrible time when I fed her Orijen. I had mixed it with her other food and she still got sick.


One of the dogs I take care had a really serious intestinal condition - he landed in ICU for 8 days. They keep him on a special diet from Science Diet. He does very well now.


I wonder if a simple food like California Natural or the Wellness dry food that is a simple diet of rice and lamb might work better? My dogs do really well on those foods.

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I think Orijen is a great food, but I can't keep Daisy on it for too long. I usually have to switch her foods up every couple of bags. It seems that she gets the same sort of thing you're describing, but on a much lesser scale. I kind of rotate between Orijen, Halo and a homemade diet and she seems to be trouble free.

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I think I would take the vet's advice and switch her food to a high quality canned and feed less more often. It wouldn't hurt to try, certainly. I know a lot of people prepare home cooked diets, too, with good results. I could pass on the name of someone I know who does consults on that, if you'd like?


I hope poor Maya's feeling better soon!

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Guest maya's mom

Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to have to do some research into foods for GI issues this week and make a decision. I guess I will switch from the Orijen though, to see if that was making the issue worse. She hasn't vomited since the vet trip, so that is good.

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