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So, we're making some (not a lot, but some) progress on the shaping, but one of the tricks that I've always wanted to teach is the "sit like a bunny." I've been luring for this one, but I'm having a couple issues and I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts.


First, Daisy is doing pretty well with this. She definitely seems to get the concept and is always willing to give it a shot. We're at the point where she will sit in the right position, but she still using my hand for balance. I'm not really sure how to teach her to balance on her own. For anyone who has succesfully taught this trick, how do you get to that last step?


Second, Seamus absolutely loathes this trick. I think it's just really hard for him because he hasn't developed a lot of muscle strength in his hind legs and hips. Of course, one of the major purposes of this trick is to strengthen his hind legs and hips in preparation for agility. Bearing in mind that he's only 8 and a half months, should I just give up on this for now and wait until I'm sure he's fully grown? Are there other ways that I can help him strength his backside that might be more palatable for him? He's so much more sensitive than Daisy and will shut down if he feels like he's failing, so I want to do my best to keep him happy and motivated. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Is "sit like a bunny" the same as "sit up" i.e. butt on ground and front legs off the ground in a begging position?


If so, Torque did not really learn to "sit pretty" (the phrase I used) until he was about 2. When he was younger, I tried to teach him, but (a) he didn't seem to have the back strength since he kept flopping off to the side and (:rolleyes: he would get so excited about whatever treat or toy I was using that he just couldn't concentrate enough to do a controlled exercise. So after trying 4 or 5 different times over a period of a month, I decided to go on to other skills and come back to the "sit pretty" later. Once he hit about 2 years old, he had the strength and the mental control to pick it up pretty fast.


Back strengthening exercises: backing up and ladder work. Or put a tracking harness on the dog and apply a slight backward pressure so that they are having to engage their back legs -- for both flat work and going uphill.


A real power move (advanced): once your dog is "sitting pretty", get them to elevate and stretch for a treat or toy (without the front legs touching the ground). I wouldn't do this until your dog is fully grown and muscled.


I do believe that "sitting pretty" really helps strengthen the spine. Growing up, my family had a couple of dachsunds and my mother always taught them to "sit up" (her term"). And since we occasionally threw treats from the dinner table to the dog (Hey guys, this was in the 60's and 70's), the dog learned to beg --- i.e. he would "sit up" by the dinner table for 5-10 minutes at a time. Quite a feat for a dachsund!! Of the 3 dachsunds we had, we never had a single back issue. Either we were very lucky, or the "sit up" exercise helped strengthen their back.





So, we're making some (not a lot, but some) progress on the shaping, but one of the tricks that I've always wanted to teach is the "sit like a bunny." I've been luring for this one, but I'm having a couple issues and I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts.


First, Daisy is doing pretty well with this. She definitely seems to get the concept and is always willing to give it a shot. We're at the point where she will sit in the right position, but she still using my hand for balance. I'm not really sure how to teach her to balance on her own. For anyone who has succesfully taught this trick, how do you get to that last step?


Second, Seamus absolutely loathes this trick. I think it's just really hard for him because he hasn't developed a lot of muscle strength in his hind legs and hips. Of course, one of the major purposes of this trick is to strengthen his hind legs and hips in preparation for agility. Bearing in mind that he's only 8 and a half months, should I just give up on this for now and wait until I'm sure he's fully grown? Are there other ways that I can help him strength his backside that might be more palatable for him? He's so much more sensitive than Daisy and will shut down if he feels like he's failing, so I want to do my best to keep him happy and motivated. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Sit pretty was one of the very first tricks I taught to Secret. She would have been about 4/5 months old. I did it specifically to start working on her balance & core exercises -- And the difference between her strength & her brother's (when we met him a couple of months ago) was very obvious.


I just lured into the position and assisted with my arm if she needed it. I waited until her "pretty" was completely secure before I ever started to move her into "up" position (standing on hind legs). She, at 11 months, doesn't seem quite stable enough to go from "up" to "pretty," so we haven't started that yet. That is the ultimate in core control!

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I'm not really sure how to teach her to balance on her own. For anyone who has succesfully taught this trick, how do you get to that last step?


, should I just give up on this for now and wait until I'm sure he's fully grown?


One of my favorites.


She needs to feel the sensation of balancing. Do not let her lean on your arm, or it will take her a much longer time to figure out that she is supposed to be using her core muscles and back legs to do the balancing. Instead, raise the treat up over her head ever so slightly. When you see a front foot come off the ground, or even just the weight come off a front foot, say "yes" (or whatever your reward word is) and then pop the treat in her mouth holding it high. Gradually wait for more effort before rewarding. Once she figures out it's about propping herself up, even if only for a nanosecond at first, you're home free.


With Seamus, same applies. No harm in doing other back or core strengthening, but this trick itself will help with that & if he's healthy, no problem trying it. Might need to help him out by having him sit with his back to a corner, like the corer of a room or the corner where the kitchen cabinets meet. He'll feel the sensation of balancing, but will have some support the first few sessions.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe it is just tough for Seamus to coordinate his body to do that right now.

To strengthen the rear end and raise his awareness of his back legs, teach him to walk backwards (aka "back up")


My BC rescue girlie (4.5years) has mild hip dysplasia, so my main focus is keeping all of the muscles around her hips very solid. She runs off leash almost everyday in the 4 acre park behind out house, practices beg/dance, and backs up and down the steep hill in the park several times a week. We also swim in the summer. I am planning to get an egg shaped exercise ball and start doing balance exercises to strengthen her core as well. (like on the "On the Ball" dvds - tho I don't plan on buying a dvd, at least not at first)


Cheers : )

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I lured and clicked, Rig learned it in about 2 or 3 5 minute sessions. He can hold it now forever, and it's his favorite "gimme treat" trick. Cricket, who is 11 months, learned from watching Rig do it and mastered it in a few weeks. It's great having one dog teach the other. My pitty still has trouble holding it, probably because her head is so heavy :rolleyes:

All my dogs do a lot of backup work though, for strengthening in agility. Handstands are great for core as well, but harder to train.

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