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flank commands


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When I'm under competitive pressure I can easily screw up a flank command, no matter how I'm delivering it. Otherwise, I find both kinds (voice vs whistle) come pretty naturally.


But I have gotten the distinct impression that *dogs* seem to respond better to the whistles (mine do, anyway). I can't quite articulate in what sense they are responding better, but I have had this feeling for a long time. One thing's for sure, it's harder to make the mistake of yelling the commands when you are whistling them. (Although, I am starting to see that, even with the whistles, one has to watch the volume.)



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Guest PrairieFire

Whistles eventually got to be pretty much second nature for me...I've got one stuck in the pocket of my work jackets and one on the dashboard of my truck 'cuz it just seems easier to work the dogs with whistles than voice...well, except for the pushy bastids who require both in order to beleive I really want them to stop...


I do seem to make mistakes with voice I don't with the whistle - even when the whistles on the dogs vary from dog to dog...

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Guest PrairieFire

You wouldn't think so when I try to dig my toes in when the dog comes off the hill at warp speed and the spit and splutter come spraying out...


I said they were second nature for me - I didn't say the dogs would listen to 'em.

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Shoot, I still freeze up with voice or whistle on (frequent) occaision. But as I'm getting bolder and working further out the whistles are getting easier, for sure. Probably just because I have to use them more. My problem now is still with consistency. You'd think after almost a year I'd be able to make every "wee-hooo" sound the same or at least close. But there are days when two of my "wee-hooo's" in a row sound like they're coming from two different and very intoxicated people.

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