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How do you train dogs when you can't get out of your driveway without shoveling for an hour?

OK, so I'm whining. Another 20 cm overnight. Still snowing. The gods must be crazy.

Anyone out there who sees me run my dogs in April, take pity on me OK?

Whines from other parts of the continent welcome.


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Okay here's a suggestion.


Anyone wanting to join Inci in her move southward let me know..I will try to find adjoining properties for everyone.


Wow just think of the hugh training field we could have!!! The trials..


Oh by the way it's another beautiful 80 degree day with a nice little breeze..sheep are munching on nice green grass.


Okay okay I'll shut up..

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our snow (this is used loosely to describe the frozen water on our fields) is finally melting down to where we're starting to talk about working our dogs. Of course the warmer temps have brought some rain too, sooooo now we have mud. To be honest we have worked our dogs some. Good thing too, a couple were in need of some close work in the barn. Last weekend we were scheduled to go to Shirley Plantation but had to pull because we couldn't get our trailer out. Besides, the van got stuck in our drive Friday morning after our last snow. (I've got to replace the all season radials with some snow tires).

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We're where MD, VA, and WV meet; she's on the eastern shore. Although, I've heard she still has snow on the ground and has canceled her Open trial that's coming up this or next weekend.


I'd guess that she is having slightly warmer temps than us. Out there you'll have muddy sand.

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Andrea, It isnt my fault that you insist on keeping that job of yours...I have offered and offered my place, you could come park your double wide and winter here...I am feeling quite sassy as it is about 70 degrees and sunny FINALLY!!!! Sorry to tease you, just trying to get you for a visit!! Cant believe I wont make sherry's this year, that is one of my favorite trials, but Have more pressing puppy buisness at home!! Grace looks like she swallowed a melon now!

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I think I've driven through that little corner of the world on the way to VA. Are you near I81? Or am I totally out to lunch? (One year I assured Tom Lacy it was only 6 or so hours to Canada. I forgot I was in VA, not PA, where I'd been the night before. He just looked at me and said, "You sure must drive fast.")


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Hey A,

Yes you are out to lunch that is why I luvs ya...I understand you and that in itself is very scary. I have a pitcher of Long Island Ice teas in the fridge and Wee Todd on Ice..see you in 9 hours and 56 minutes and do remember I am in VA not Penn!!! Trained 11 dogs today, was wearing a TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!! I see little blades of grass coming up, I might not shrivel up and die!!!!!! Had an ultrasound done the other day, but all I know is that there are at least 4...she didnt even try to count just determined that there were little fluid filled sacs. I have the picture framed on my desk and am getting desperate!!!! I just love puppies, sorry I am going on so much, I am trying not to... I swear...

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we're about 20 min east of I81 where it goes by Hagerstown, MD. Another point of reference for you is 20 min north of Oatlands Plantation. Ok, this is where Pipedream Farm is located (red cross marks the spot). We really like our location; the main down side is my 45 min drive to work, thats one way and with light traffic. It jumps to 1.5 hrs in heavy traffic.


Well, Renee couldn't take it anymore and worked her dogs. She slogged through the slush on our fields. Some areas were about 6" deep and others were deeper. Then there are the areas with ice that had to be avoided. The sheep were not happy; they must have thought they were on permanent vacation. Watching Renee got me inspired so I worked my dogs too. Perhaps this weekend we'll see patches of ground pokin through the white crap.

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I like it Inci, but can we stop before we get all the way there? Say, in Virginia? If we all club together we can get a few acres near Sam, keep a few sheep. I'll come in the winter, Amy will come in the summer. Terry's got to come too, her winters are as bad as mine. Among us we'll only have, what, 40 or 50 dogs to work?

Sam, I'm still here, I couldn't get my motorhome out of the snowdrift it's in, so I guess we'll have to wait until April. I'm packing T shirts and shorts and suntan lotion. Torture me, tell me more. Is that tree with the white blossoms flowering yet (what is that, anyway?)


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Damn, that looks purty Mark. Didn't they write a song about Harper's Ferry a loooong time ago? (You might remember, you're 40 now right?)

Took the dogs to the park last night. The snow was UP TO MY KNEES, and that wasn't even the banks or the drifts. At least you can tire them out quick that way.


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No, no blossoms yet...do you mean the flowers on the Braford pear trees or the dogwoods? We are still building and buying here on our little farm, I am going to get some of both...I just love trees. I should have kept my mouth shut and not bragged, it is RAINING AGAIN! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but anyway, I did hear the little spring/summer frogs that start talking at sunset last night. Got a new little pup, Annie, she sat in the xpen all day while I trained and the sheep were all happy and warm...that ought to hold me till warmer weather and give you something to think about...I am after all no poet!

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Guest totallyterry2003

Well, I got out of this damn weather last week-end. It is worse when you come back to it after a taste of freedom.


To actually see green grass and get a little sunburn on my nose was a bit of heaven.


My dogs keep singing, Midnight Train to Georgia.


Sane Sam,

IF I could be in Virginia, I wouldn't even roll my eyes when you start talking puppies. Would gladly listen ALL DAY LONG in 70 degree weather to whatever you want to say.


Hope you have the pear tree in by April.



The song was Harper Valley PTA. You must expand your musical base.

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