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Grass eating


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Would like some help. I adopted a BC recently and she constantly eats grass. I have had other dogs that eat grass to digest or help throw up what's bothering them, but "Nova" seems to be eating all day. No stomach problems that I can tell, and she's not throwing up. Seems to be a compulsive behavior or habit. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs, or have any suggestions on how to stop it, or slow it down? Thanks!

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Scooter seems to eat grass when he gets really excited, like while playing frisbee or going after the soccer ball, but then that's more like pulling it out by the roots rather than eating it. :rolleyes:


Could also be boredom. Try distracting her with something more interesting. Also, try not to let her roam alone where she can "graze" unnoticed. There are various theories about why dogs eat grass. Scooter got very sick one time from eating too much--kept retching and coughing, but still going for more grass, like he was possessed. Emergency vet couldn't find anything wrong with him. The next morning he vomited up a long, compacted chunk of grass that must have gotten stuck somewhere. He was fine after that but we've kept an eye on him ever since!

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I think that some dogs eat grass for the fiber. I've had a number of dogs that are otherwise healthy, well-fed, and energetic - but they love to "graze" and seem to never have ill effects. On the rare occasion that one eats grass prior to vomiting, it is a different sort of grazing and often a different type of grass - less succulent and tender.


Wild canids consume stomach/intestinal contents, which are full of fiber. I guess it's good for all of us.

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When I let the dogs out in the evening before going to bed, Senneca and my foster Bear both start grazing. It doesn't seem to be boredom. It's not the "purge the system" grazing. It's not because they are dying of hunger (they've eaten dinner). They just seem to feel that a bit of grass is necessary for their diet. Who am I to argue? My ever returning foster Rhys bach, has no interest in grass. He does sometimes graze on Lantana leaves on our morning walk; only Lantana. I have no idea why; he has never shown any interest in grass. Maybe he is wired differently?

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