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Canine Combustion Dog Agility Club (USDAA)

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While I am not there. I was told Cressa did AWESOME! She won the 1st round of steeplechase correct me if I spelled it wrong. I am told she beat the other dogs by a couple second. YAY!!! Am told there was a bunch of border collie she beat tails down. :rolleyes: The second round she back jump a jump but was still the fastest time. The handler was trying to do a threadle and Cressa didn't read it as such for the second round. In the Grand Prix(sp?) Cressa back jump another jump. The handler was trying to rear Cressa over a jump "into the wall" and Cressa spun around and re took the jump. It was a a-frame to a jump. Its great pratice for AKC nationals.


:D Any one care to explain to me the rules for the grad Prix? or steeplechase are... heheheh Usdaa looses me on there rules.



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OMG! OMG! Cressa kicked BUTT today!!! She got 1st in both rounds of steeplechase and the grand prix with I am told seconds to spare. And kicked more butt in advance? or was it master? standard. She got 4 1st places out of I believe 5 runs! Go Cressa! Go Cressa! LOL I think I am going to be screwed when I start running her again. :rolleyes:


Wish someone took a video of it. I guess she now how a "bye"? into regionals.


How was your or your dogs weekend?

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