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News on my Butcher friend


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So when last I talked about this my friend was in real trouble. It has been a hard year for everyone, and his problems affected so many local farms that it was very sad. But here is what came out of it.

We basically gave him a number of mutton and lambs because we felt that we had to sacrafice to keep him going, because without him alot of farms would suffer and he is a creative and outstanding person, a real hero to the slow food movement.


Well, now a bunch of farms heard about this and they sacraficed as well.


So he is now climbing out of the problems he had. And held a fund raiser dinner to pay us all back!


We are so powerful when we work together!

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It makes me feel humble in the face of the integrity and vision of a group of small farmers that see more than money in the slow food movement.

And it opens up avenues of change that I think will help all of us.

What incredible people they are!

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