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Finding a legitimate rescue

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This question is off topic, but as doggie worlds often overlap, I wonder if any one knows of the the Delaware Valley Goldern Retriever rescue (operates in Eastern PA and New Jersey) http://www.dvgrr.org/who_dvgrr.html.


A dear friend has lost her sister to brain cancer and I thought that a memorial donation to GR rescue might be appropriate as my friend dearly loves her Golden Retriever. She is from New Jersey. She will get many mass cards and flowers as she is the receptionist at our church rectory....what do you all think?



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Liz, I think that's a very sweet way to honor her.


My sister and brother in law recently went through the process of searching for their next Golden Retriever puppy, and one of the sites they found was this Golden Retriever Forum. That might be a good place to do a quick reference check on the rescue group you've asked about.

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The humane society close to us does that. You can send a donation in to them and they will put your pet or family member's name in the newletter. It's pretty cool. I think most rescues and humane societys do that. It's a great way to remember someone.

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