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A year old, and what have we here?


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Well, my pup is one year old today. He's my first Border Collie, and out of very nice working dogs/lines. I was especially fond of his daddy, Glen. Glen epitomized what a "good border collie" is to me. He was no trouble, always ready to work, biddable as they come, and worked hard for his owner.


Well, my Danny is well on his way to being his father's son. It sort of makes me a bit weepy, but I see so much of his father in him, that it is almost like putting on a glove someone used well, and handed down to you- if that makes any sense.


Danny is not perfect, no, far from it. He started out "rather direct" as someone who knows him put it, and then I sent him for some training, because he was just so over the top for my inexperienced hands to handle.


So, he came back to me no longer crazed for sheep, just super keen and focused. I have continued to work with the little guy (he is small, boy), and of late, specifically our last two sessions, Danny has begun to show me some worn threads of that glove. Threads of knowing just what I want, and being my partner. I have seen dogs much further along than Danny at this age, but that doesn't matter to me. It's our own trip, and our own time.


The last time I worked him, I decided that he was ready for some gathers, and well, other than a few slices on his bad side, he got it. He got it like he was born knowing what to do. And, I expected that. Is that bad? Is it the glove thing again?


One of the things I love about Danny is that he is so bloody happy to work for me. You can see it in his eyes, and his whole affect. When I am calling him off sheep, he wiggles at me, and looks up as if to say "did I do good???!!!" "Oh, we're doin' more?! goody!"


When we are done, he goes back to his tie out and waits, sometimes falling asleep- no trouble. Just like his dad.


So, Danny has reached the one year mark, and what have we here? A pup that glows with enthusiasm, the innate need to "do good" and who is just simply a good border collie.


It doesn't get any better than that. Love you my boy.

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That sounds so wonderful. :rolleyes: I've a boy who's a year and a half, and he's just starting to volunteer things for me, to see the pen or the horse trailer or the gate, and placing himself where he needs to be, before I have to tell him.


It is magic, and I wish you many years of joyful partnership with your beautiful boy. :D Merry Christmas!

Cheers ~



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