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Why won't the dog get close to the sheep?


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Had two people come to buy lambs today.


The first a lady was taking 2 twin ewe lambs. Of course when she arrived it was about 95 out and half the sheep had wandered to the back pasture. Of course her 2 were way in the back. She asked if the lambs were friendly (dream on lady). Then she said I guess the 2 of us can chase them and catch them. (Dream on lady..I'm not chasing anything in this heat).


I tell her not to worry and send the dog out, as the dog starts to get everyone from the first field I give her a look back and she flies out the back gate to get the ones way in the back. Lady standing there with mouth wide open..wow she says.


Dog returns and quietly stops in the shade holding the sheep to us. As the sheep try to drift off she quietly flanks over and holds them to us. Lady: Why won't she get close to the sheep" Me: Welllll if she does the sheep will run past us and take off. Lady: No I think she doesn't like sheep, these sheep are quite content to stand by us...they like the attention. (Dream on lady)


So I call the dog in and quess what sheep take off. The lady is now like WOW. So the dog loads the lambs in her trailer. She looks at the dog and says WOW I would not believe this if I hadn't seen it.


A few hours later and a guy arrives to pick up his 8 lambs. It's now appoaching 100. Poor guy looks out into the field and says I guess I should of bought help. Me: Don't worry I have all the help you need.


Out comes the dog and within 10 minutes lambs were shed off and loaded in his trailer. The guy looks at the dog and says WOW that was easy. Who would believe a dog could do that.


well in truth quite a few of us believe a dog could do that.


It was nice to sell off some lambs but even nicer to show 2 more people what a border collie is all about.

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I don't have sheep. But I do have several soccer and tennis balls and I can make Jin push them and place them where I want on the greensward. Like you I love it when people walk by and go "WOW!"



This is for Roseamy. WOW!! you need it good trainer. We all need to be recognized for what we and our dogs can do.


WOW!! you can do that with a dog?



"Yes" says Rose proudly.

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