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We thought Bailey was potty trained, but recently she has had a lot of accidents in the house....nothing out of the ordinary has changed...we take her out alot to the yard and she is only allowed on the main floor, we try to montitor her as much as possible but she still has a lot of accidents...we crate her at night and the second she gets out of the crate we take her out...if we are not in the house she is crated...any suggestions?

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Get a clean catch urine speciman the first time she pees tomorrow morning. It's easier than you might think. Leash her, take an old pie plate or microwave meal plate that's been washed well. Some folks use a long handled ladle, anything you can handle quickly and easily that will catch the flow is all you need.


Take her outside and the minute she squats, stick the plate under her bottom. You only need to catch a tablspoon or so. Pour the urine into a zip lock baggie, label it w/your name and Bailey's, then get the specimen to the vet as soon as they open. It makes things much easier if you get whatever you're going to use cleaned up and set it by the door the night before. No fumbling or frantic searching.


If she was pottying very well outside and switched suddenly to having lots of accidents in the house, there's a really good chance that she's got something physical going on. If you've ever had a urinary tract infection, you know how uncomfortable they can be.


Most vets are willing to do the urinalysis without seeing the dog, especially since you just had her in. Good luck.



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Isn't Bailey a pretty young pup?


Puppies seem to pee constantly. So if you cannot be watching her very closely, she should be crated or kept in a small area. You will need to take her out after she eats, after she plays, before she goes to bed, as soon as she wakes up in the morning, in the middle of play, etc. Be sure to clean up any accidents with an odor nuetralizer to help.


Also, associate a work with going potty when she does correctly outside. My word is "potty". So when she goes outside make a huge deal out of it! "Good potty!" "What a good girl!" You can reward with a treat too! Then when you take her outside you can start to almost give a command, "go potty Bailey". I still tell my dog "good girl" when she goes and she is just shy of 1.5 years old. :rolleyes: Figure it can't hurt.

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She just got back from the vet.......no problems....but i'll take her again if this persists


They did a urinalysis? If it turns out this is behavioral, do a search on housebreaking, potty training, etc. There have been lots of threads on this, some fairly recently.

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I know it's not the best to hear but puppies only have accidents if you let them (minus physical ailments). You might be slipping into thinking that you don't need to keep your hawkeyes on her anymore because she isn't a little little pup and you might not even realize it. Treat her like you did the first few weeks she was home and she'll get the idea again. How old is she?

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