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Volunteering question

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I called a local rescue about being a volunteer photographer since a local profressional photographer had told me they were looking for someone to fill that position.


I called early last week, and still havn't heard back. It's been a while since I've done volunteer work (last time I did, it ended badly), so how long should I expect before I hear back from them?

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I guess it depends on how organized the rescue is...

Have you checked their website to see if they have an application to fill out for volunteering? A specific email address to contact? I know when I started volunteering I had to fill out an application and let them know what areas I was interested in. Someone contacted me about it and passed my name onto the co-ordinator of the project I was interested in. That person then contacted me etc. All said and done it took about 2 weeks. Back then we weren't very organized, now it takes about a week. We have one person who gets the volunteer applications and then dolls them out to the specific co-ordinators. Those co-ordinators then have to contact the interested volunteer at their own leisure. Depending on how busy people are with work, real life and rescue time lines can vary greatly. I do suggest checking their site if you haven't to see if there are specific guidelines.

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I emailed them at first, proably 2-3 weeks ago, including some of my work. No reply.


Then I called them. It did say they had a volunteer application, but when I opened it it didin't bring up anything. So I just called the volunteer coordinator.

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If all else fails, I'd go into the shelter. Have some pictures, etc., and just let them get to know you. People can't get too busy to look, or not be able to check it out if you come to them.


Good luck!

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