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Choose one or do both?

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My border collie Lootah just passed his canine good citizen award, and I want to keep training him, he's already had a basic agility class, but in my last public manners class they introduced a little Rally, and I think Lootah could be really good at it.


I'm just wondering whether to choose between agility and rally, and concentrate on just one (and then maybe do the other later) or I could take both classes at the same time (ive already looked at the class schedule and worked out the times, lol).


Which do you think would be the best for Lootah? If it makes any difference he would be doing the agility class first (lthis will be a learning basic contacts class, jumps are a seperate class) at 6:00pm, and then the rally class at 7:15pm.





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From the sounds of it the classes are on the same night, with the two classes back to back, if I'm correct that sounds like a lot of pressure to me. I run my dogs in an advanced agility class and then teach a beginners class back to back, and it's a lot for me to handle. So on that note, I would choose one. I don't have a lot of rally experience, but it seem that it has a good obedience background so would probably improve your dogs general behavior, and a good obedience start always seems good with agility. The only issue I see with too much obedience in an agility dog is that often it takes some time for them to be comfortable working on the right side. But you could just reinforce working on the right side at home and then there shouldn't be an issue.

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Perhaps I should explain the classes and Lootahs history a little better.


Loo has done a home manners class, then he did a basic obedience/agility class, and we just finished a public manners class where he got his canine good citizen award.


The next agility class I want to take is a basic contacts class, adding on to what he learned in his first agility class, but without jumps, thats a seperate class.


The rally class is called basic obedience/rally, I think its basically introducing you to rally, so I dont think it will be very hard, he's pretty good at all the basics already.


And yes you are correct, these classes will be back to back, 15mins inbetween, but I live about 45mins away from the club, which is why I'd like them the same night.


I dunno, I'm torn, I really think me and Loo would enjoy rally, but I also want to continue his agility training. I actually think he would do better at rally, and I like that its not as strict as the normal obedience trials, but ive always wanted to try agility, and even if he doesnt do well in competitions id still like to train him all the way and try.

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If you have the time and Lootah isn't prone to brain-fry, I'd go ahead and take both classes back to back. I used to do something similar with Solo when I thought I wanted to do flyball with him -- first agility and then flyball in the same night -- and he was fine. You spend most of your time in class waiting around anyway.


If I were you I'd concentrate on agility, but that's because Solo and I thought rally was really boring.

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I do both agility and obedience with my BC. I prefer agility but got into obedience when a very keen young dog of mine was diagnosed with mild elbow dysplasia. I have actually started to enjoy it as it is a real challenge. I decided also to try obedience with my agility BC and I think she actually enjoys it. I dont know much about rally obedience but why not experiment and see how you and your dog go and where your heart lies.


The training is a bit of a committment though but I find obedience can be quite complimentry to agility and I train the heel on both sides with my agility dog.

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After I posted, I got to thinking: is Rally only sponsored by AKC? If so.....I'd run away, fast. But then, just my not-so-unbiased opinion...




No. In fact, APDT Rally (open to all types of dogs) existed as a titling sport before AKC Rally did, and it is a little bit of a "richer" form of Rally than AKC.


The only problem with APDT is that it is not offered in all areas, but if there were an interest within a club in an area that does not have it, it can be started up!

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Lootah will be two this year (In may if I remember right)

He can get a little frustrated with some of the agility equipment, but then other parts he loves, like the tunnel, lol.

I think I will try doing both and see how it goes.


I also have a 11 month old BC who I think will be alot better suited to agility, she's SOOO fast, but I thought it would be good to go through the training with Lootah first to get the hang of it.


I will keep you updated on how he does when we start classes.

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