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Can a Border Collie do it twice in a row?

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Last year beautiful, talented, Dazzle won best dog in show in the Dogsters coolest dog in the world contest. This year, my Hammie is one of the 5 finalist in the ball and frisbee category. There are 5 in each category but you can only vote for 1.


If you are all for a Border Collie taking this title twice in a row, please go vote for Hammie.


thanks and we appreciate it!




Tammy and Hammie :rolleyes:

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What a great shot of Hammie!

Dazzle is also a contender this year for Sports Fan :rolleyes:


Thank you.


You know, I was just so excited when I saw Hammie was a finalist, I emailed all my friends, family, and co-workers and then posted this here. I never even looked at the other pictures. There are actually about 5 BC's who made the finals. Of course, I voted for Hammie, but regardless, it would be great if another BC wins. Especially if it is Dazzle (providing it's not Hammie)



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Last year beautiful, talented, Dazzle won best dog in show in the Dogsters coolest dog in the world contest. This year, my Hammie is one of the 5 finalist in the ball and frisbee category. There are 5 in each category but you can only vote for 1.


If you are all for a Border Collie taking this title twice in a row, please go vote for Hammie.


thanks and we appreciate it!




Tammy and Hammie :rolleyes:


Is Dazzle the Dazzle who does the wonderful tricks that I saw on another posting? Putting toys away etc

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Ohh, I forgot about this year's dogster contest! Two years ago Ouzo won Car Dog :D Gonna go to dogster and share some votes for our BC friends!



Is Dazzle the Dazzle who does the wonderful tricks that I saw on another posting? Putting toys away etc


Yes, the one and only :rolleyes:

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Ohh, I forgot about this year's dogster contest! Two years ago Ouzo won Car Dog :D Gonna go to dogster and share some votes for our BC friends!

Yes, the one and only :rolleyes:


I didn't know that about Ouzo. Congrats (way belated).

I wasn't here 2 years ago so now you must post the winning picture of the handsome guy.


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Here's the picture that won the Car Dog category in 2006





LOL, that is a great picture. I wonder what he is looking at. His eye looks pretty focused on something. It amazes me that dogs can have their eyes open with the wind pounding against them.


Thanks for posting it. It gave my whole dept. a good smile :rolleyes:


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Thanks :rolleyes: We were approaching the dog park, that's why he was getting SOOO excited about :D And yes, that's my hand on his collar, for security resons.



LOL. Yeah, my dogs would like to jump out the window when they see the dog park approaching too. Did you take the picture yourself while holding onto his collar?

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