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Hooray Poke starts agility soon!

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We mailed in Poke's registration for agility class for Sept - Jan today and I am crossing my fingers he will get in the class. (I have heard from some people that they fill up quickly and others have said we should have no problem :rolleyes: ) We are going through the agility club that a bunch 'o' other people in the rescue use so we have heard good things. He is going to be very happy to be back in class.


What advice do all of you have for begginers in agility? We went through two 8 week courses in obedience in order to get him accustomed to learning and focusing on me around other dogs. He is a very springy boy and I have had no problem teaching him to jump on command over almost anything I ask him to. Do you think it is better to treat motivate or toy motivate? Poke will respond to either, as he just likes to please.

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Fingers crossed for you. Treat or toy - both is best. There'll be times when one is more appropriate than the other, but it's great to have both in your tool box. Since Poke is a springy boy, your main challenge will be maintaining his attention to you when appropriate, in the face of major distractions! Lots of targetting - hand, toy, plastic lid etc. would be helpful to - there'll be times you want him to pay attention to whichever hand you're offering - and other times when you want him to go away from you to a target.


Have fun (and be patient - don't rush the foundation stuff).

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I can only echo what Tassie has to say.


1. Make sure it is always fun for you and Poke (cool name btw).


2. DO NOT RUSH with moving to new levels. I'm having to go back a retrain a really good dog at the moment because I rushed things and wanted to compete with her before she was REALLY ready. (first dog didn't realy know what I was up to.)


Best of luck.







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Welcome to the wonderful world of agility...get ready to be addicted :rolleyes: If your pup is both toy and food motivated great use both, I do. Getting your pup to drive to a toy will really aid in getting him to work away from you and learn a "go on" command. The biggest keys to agility are Slow and Steady and having lots of fun. Look forward to hearing your adventures,

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You're both going to love it. In the beginning, I think food motivation is the best, and later toy motivation. Bottom line, whatever works for your dog, and don't let anyone tell you differently! Most important rule: have fun with your dog. I ruined my first agility dog by putting on pressure when she started to get good. I also rushed us into trialing, and I never got her back to the point of it being lots of fun for her, only stressful. So, go into it with no expectations, other than to bond with Poke, and have fun!

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