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Bens 1st agility comp

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Well Ben has only been training since Jan but his club had its spring show yesterday

Although all the dogs were much more advanced than him I thought I would take him along as a training exercise

I had a few secret goals for him

1. That he was calm enough to do his start line stay

2. Not to get eliminated

3. a clear round

4. possibly a rosette


and of course most importantly that he had a good time


As it was not full KC rules I opted to run him as a small dog as he is so young


So there were 4 rounds

Jumping, agility, cricular jumping and circular agility


What can I say - my fab little boy

The 1st 3 classes he got a clear round (1st 2 classes that got him 2 clear round rosettes) 1st 2 were a little slow - winners in less than 30s and we took 45s but the 3rd class he did in 25s - the winner was about 18s but we came about 5th!! out of 50 dogs!!!! (who had all had much more training than us)

4th class we had both been there for 4 hours and were tiered, he knocked a pole down and I ran him past 2 jumps - but we got back on course and didnt get eliminated - 3 faults but not bad


Then the little boy got a full pack of chicken and lots and lots of sleep


Not the best pic - I didnt even know that it was being taken but here is the 1st foto of Bens 1st jump in his 1st ever comp



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