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Best. Trash Day Find. Ever.


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You other semiurbanites know how trash day goes: the neighbors put the trash out the evening before, and the wind knocks the barrels over, and skunks or crows or earlier dogs get into bags... so the dogs walked the next morning spend a lot of time scavenging. I'm constantly on the lookout for meat bones, half-empty bags of chips, etc..


Yesterday evening, we were walking down the street and there was a barrel still left out after trash pick-up. Buddy went over and was sniffing around a big lump on the ground. I thought it was an old bolster pillow, or the body of an old stuffed animal. The dog had the thing in his mouth, and wouldn't move along on our walk, so I went over and gave the thing a nudge. Lo and behold, it was a raw, 5 pound, beef roast.


Buddy was looking at me as if to say, "Mom! This is GREAT! There's enough for BOTH OF US!"




(I wrapped the roast in my poop bag and tossed it back in the empty barrel. I'm guessing that the owners are going to be very surprised at the horrible SMELL in the barrel when they go to take the trash out next week.)



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You other semiurbanites know how trash day goes: the neighbors put the trash out the evening before, and the wind knocks the barrels over, and skunks or crows or earlier dogs get into bags... so the dogs walked the next morning spend a lot of time scavenging. I'm constantly on the lookout for meat bones, half-empty bags of chips, etc..


Yesterday evening, we were walking down the street and there was a barrel still left out after trash pick-up. Buddy went over and was sniffing around a big lump on the ground. I thought it was an old bolster pillow, or the body of an old stuffed animal. The dog had the thing in his mouth, and wouldn't move along on our walk, so I went over and gave the thing a nudge. Lo and behold, it was a raw, 5 pound, beef roast.


Buddy was looking at me as if to say, "Mom! This is GREAT! There's enough for BOTH OF US!"




(I wrapped the roast in my poop bag and tossed it back in the empty barrel. I'm guessing that the owners are going to be very surprised at the horrible SMELL in the barrel when they go to take the trash out next week.)



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