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Ben at Flyball Practice - Video

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Ben's twelve and I swear he's actually growing younger. I just started going to flyball practice again and this weekend they let us run with some other veteran dogs on the team.




Full runs - first


Second "heat"


Third "heat"


Fourth "heat"


This one is an "oopsie" - handling error, I called him a bit too soon and he dropped the ball.


Last run

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Awwwwww - he looks like he was having fun. Don't you go deaf practicing indoors :D? I'm jealous - our only practice area is outdoors and so we're always whining about the heat, the cold, the wind, there is a dew drop on the grass, gets dark too early, etc. :rolleyes:


I was wondering if it might be an option to set up the lane diagonally across the space to get a longer run back?

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Heh - there's not any extra room that way. There's a couple of large kennel spaces in each corner on the handler's right side of the building. You can see one on the video - there's an identical one in the forward area on that wall also. The building's main function is as a doggy daycare and we were very glad to get the use of it.


Since my actual, regular flyball dog will be a hairless Chinese crested, I'm super glad we have indoor practice available!

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Since my actual, regular flyball dog will be a hairless Chinese crested, I'm super glad we have indoor practice available!



The photographer and the tournament took a wonderful photo of you and the little hairless pup. I was going to send you the link, but his website seems to be down.



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Flyball looks really fun. I wish there were something like that around here for Usher. He's such a fast boy. I think your dog is doing great!!! Isn't it wonderful to have a breed that does so well in so many sports? :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, the old boy's still got it! We gave up flyball when we moved out here, b/c flyball in this area is SO behind. The team I was practicing with "broke" Wick b/c their dogs weren't focused and were going after Wick as she ran by, so my rock solid 4.0 dog then started cutting jumps. :rolleyes: Anyway, so we concentrate on agility. Maybe one day we'll do flyball again, but not unless it's with solid dogs.

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Aww, I'm sorry about Wick. She was awesome! Maybe you'll get her going again sometime - and you've got agility.


Yup, I think Ben's just getting better with age - he also still is a solid asset with the sheep. He's really Mr. Reliable - he's got huge issues but what you see is always what you get, no surprises.


The team just moved practice to a time that is far more convenient for me so I am hoping to get Ben out there soon and Zhi well started. She's got about half the idea but training a crested is way different from training a Border Collie!


And now PJ says he wants to train our mini-Leo Lynn. We'll see how long that works out, but I think she may actually do well.

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Very cool that Ben is having a blast still at 12 yrs! That is awesome!


We practice outdoors as well and have the opportunity to practice indoors a couple of times a year but man does it get loud in the building...I do have to say though, it is nice to be out of the elements now and then.

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