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Dogs Under Control

Bo Peep

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I've seen a lot of controversy over this post on that board and wanted to see what your feelings were?

For me............ As for me, It's someone Else's property. I keep my dog on a leash. My older dogs were VERY well trained- no threat to anyone, dog or person, yet they stayed in their crates. For the most reason. They got so excited seeing other dogs run, it "switched" them on. I never "tied " a dog to my truck- nor left them out to run. At certain trials, there were area's where you could burn off energy- that was great. I think we should respect the property that someone has given us to trial upon and NEVER think that our dogs are "safe". Yes, sometimes we do have to go to the potty ourselves and our dogs might hold a stay, but with all the distractions of a trail, I think we should show respect to the people that give us the use of the homes.


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I don't leave my dogs out to run, anywhere, without constant supervision. At trials, I will walk one or two at most, off leash, under control, and in appropriate areas. I crate if they are at the camper and I am not, although I have chained the one to the camper tire, under the canopy, where he could go under the camper or into his crate when it was very hot. He's not a reactive dog and no one would be coming within about 10' of him.


One thing that I do love about sheepdog trials is the ability to have dogs off lead with other people and dogs around. If the situation warrants, my dogs are on lead. If it allows, they are off.


One of my pet peeves is something mentioned elsewhere, which is folks who just let their dogs out to do their business early in the day (or any other time of day) in the camper area (and especially without supervision). I am disgusted to find other people's dogs' poop in my camper area for me to pick up, and it's particularly repulsive to step in it in the dark when going to the portajohn or taking my dog to the dog walk area.


I find the vast majority of people to be very responsible at trials and in the camping areas, but a few have dog manners that leave a great deal to be desired.

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I agree about the poop thing! When I go/get some where, the first thing I do is ensure the dogs are empty, and that way, I know where it is, and pick it up straight away. This is one thing that conformation people REALLY come down on people for- I have seen where the offender is dealt with swiftly, and told that they will not be welcome back- this is due, I suspect, to the fact that lots of conformation shows are held at hotels,and there are other non-dog people there. If we don't like stepping in it, imagine the non-doggy set !

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I went to use the port-a-potty at a trial and didn't want to waste the time to walk the opposite direction back to my truck to tie up the dog I had with me since my run was coming up, so I put a leash on her and tied her to the wooden post next to the PAP. At a very inconvenient moment I heard loud screaming and rushed out to find my dog, who is as neutral towards other dogs as one can possibly be, being attacked by a loose BC. I chased the BC off and followed it, asking the few people I saw amongst the parked vehicles if they knew whose dog it was so it could be contained. Not a half hour later I saw the first woman I had asked, who had said she had no idea who the dog belonged to, walking the dog on a leash then tying it to her car. Throughout the day I saw the dog lunge and try to attack other dogs that walked past her car. When I asked someone else I was told that she did indeed own the dog. I was very angry that she had left her dog, which had a reputation of being aggressive, to run unattended, not caught her and contained her when I told her she had attacked my dog, had denied owning the dog and had not apologized at any point during the 2 day trial.

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Some people are idiots.


Celt understands how to come in the portapotty with me and stay out of my way. If I can't do that, I hook his lead on the handle inside the portapotty, and he sits right outside the door. After your experience, Liz, I think I will just bring him in with me.

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Celt understands how to come in the portapotty with me and stay out of my way. If I can't do that, I hook his lead on the handle inside the portapotty, and he sits right outside the door. After your experience, Liz, I think I will just bring him in with me.


Oh, I do that now. I just never imagined any dog would want to attack the one I had with me. She is as neutral as a dog could possibly be (confident but not at all rude).


I should add that 99% of the time at trials the dogs are well behaved and the people are courteous.

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And I agree with you. At the huge campground for the Finals, I noticed one person in particular that lost contact with her dog and Barb Levinson had to ask around to find who owned the loose dog. There were some others, and they were just a couple in particular, whose dogs were allowed to roam around and relieve themselves anywhere without any thought of pickup. Other than those very few, the owners were considerate and the dogs were well behaved. And that was a lot of people and a lot of dogs.

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That's always how it is right? Just one or two inconsiderate people can ruin it for the rest. Reasonable- that word applies here. People should be reasonable in how they handle their dogs- loose, but under good supervision is fine. Loose but not under good supervision, no. What if one of those dogs bit a spectator? People need to take responsibility for their dogs.

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