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Potty Training Question

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Saki potty trained pretty easily, inside the house when she needs to go she gets inside her crate and howls to alert me she needs to go outside. The problem is the garage. Whenever she gets in the garage she pees all over it. How can I stopped this? Please don't say keep her out of the garage because we leave it open during the day so the kids and play.

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How can I stopped this? Please don't say keep her out of the garage because we leave it open during the day so the kids and play.


Don't give her the opportunity to pee in the garage. I don't remember how old Saki is, but housebreaking is a journey as well as a destination. Different puppies go at different speeds on that journey. A big factor in keeping the dog on the right path, so to speak, is the use of supervision and management. You keep the puppy contained when you can not directly supervise and when the puppy is loose, you keep an eye on her and take her out frequently. That way you can intervene if you see she is about to have an accident and hustle her outside to help her understand that the garage is not allowed for pottying but the yard is.


She is peeing in the garage because she thinks it's OK to do so. I suggest you use a very good enzymatic cleaner to get out as much of the scent as you can out of the various spots, though I'm not sure how that works on concrete. And really she should not be allowed unsupervised in the garage. If she is having trouble holding her urine anywhere else despite being given plenty of opportunities to go outside (it takes a while for a puppy to learn to hold its urine, especially when involved in play), then I would take in a urine sample to make sure she doesn't have an infection.

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I had a dog that would do this years ago, she'd not potty in the house, but would in the garage, and I bought a piece of sod, (turf, grass) and placed it in the garage, close to the door, then when she started using it, (she perfered it to the concrete) I just started moving it further and further out of the garage , till it was in the yard. When she had to go, she'd look for the sod, of course I threw it out after a bit, but she ended up going outside to pee. Dont know if it'll work for you, but it did for me. Ditto on the enzyme cleaner, ( though Im not sure about how it would work on concrete either, but you can read on the bottle before you buy some and see.) The one that Ive used and liked is Natures .....darn! Cant remember the whole name, some body help me out here, but its in a red and white tall plastic container. Good luck.

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Im serious! It worked. How I got the idea, was I had built a kennel, and the dog had gotten use to peeing on the concrete floor in the kennel, then started using the garage floor too. She liked to pee in the grass, (thats why I built the kennel, pee was ruining the grass) so I just put the grass in the garage, and moved it, like I said, and it worked. I know it sounds strange, but... theres worse things a person could do I reckon. If all else fails, its worth a try.

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