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"Rediscovered" this forum - LOTS of pics!

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I joined this forum a while back when I had my first border collie, Le'loo, and just recently "found" it again. Luckily I remember my password, lol.


Anyways, my old BC unfortunately had to be given up to rescue, because my step-mom and dad prefered my brother's 7 pound mix to my 40 pound BC.... very sad, but I made my dad drive 5 hours to give her up to a rescue I contacted, last year I heard that she was adopted to a family on the beach. :rolleyes:


Now that I've moved out however, I've gotten another BC, Ghost. He's 6 months now, and a little ball of energy.... like all BCs of course, lol


Here are some pics.
















I'm taking agility classes with him (Just tunnels and stuff, no jumps) but I was interested in herding also, though I don't think there would be an instructor near my area. I'm located in Washington, does anyone have a search engine or list that I could look at?



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OH, he's a pretty boy! My girl Kaylee is six months old, too, and would love a race and round of bitey-face with your Ghost. He has a marvelous face, will certainly be a handsome dog. She was born May 26: do you know Ghost's birthday?


We have to wait until next summer for agility classes, they're just not offered here in the winter, but we get out for hikes and walks and dog park, and for snowshoeing, before long. My DH and I both work from home, so we spend a lot of time with Kaylee. We're doing basic obedience, of course, but mostly just a lot of play and shaping into a great companion.


We've got our challenges, of course. The biggest one we have is the pogo: the WAY over the top greeting of human visitors. K's also 'pixie-led', obsessed with shadows and reflections. And she loves to dig up my garden, but hey, it'll be frozen and covered with snow soon, and that will buy me a bit of training time.


Welcome back. Keep us posted about your Ghost-busting activities!

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There's many herding opportunities throughout WA. Just depends where you are. If you could post up what city you are in or nearby - and how far you are willing to drive to get to class, that might narrow the recommendations :rolleyes: Also, you should probably ask in the herding section.

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Ghost's birthday is June 19th, same as my mom's, so now I will remember my mom's B-day!!! :rolleyes: .....I know that's horrible, LOL, I'm terrible at remembering important dates though.


Kaylee has the same birthday as my youngest daughter (now 20): are they astral Gemini twins? Or, as in the Golden Compass movie, is Kaylee her daemon, her soul in animal form?


At least, I can remember one day for both, like you!


Le'loo had such a cool mask, almost a Batman mask! I hope he's doing well, getting to run and dig on the beach a lot.


Ghost, now, has an amazing coat. I bet he enjoys the snow!

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Kaylee has the same birthday as my youngest daughter (now 20): are they astral Gemini twins? Or, as in the Golden Compass movie, is Kaylee her daemon, her soul in animal form?


At least, I can remember one day for both, like you!


Le'loo had such a cool mask, almost a Batman mask! I hope he's doing well, getting to run and dig on the beach a lot.


Ghost, now, has an amazing coat. I bet he enjoys the snow!


I have no idea about astralogical signs and such, I just know that I'm a Libra, lol


Last I heard L'eloo got to go run on the beach every day :D


Ghost actually doesn't have that much coat, he was 9 weeks in most of those pics, and very poofy, but as he got older he's actually smoothed out a lot, his fur is now really wavy though! It drives me crazy sometimes. :rolleyes:



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We must see more pictures of Ghost-- he is very beautiful!!


I actually got some really cute pictures of him yesterday.... lets just say I caught him in the act of "murder" LOL


Unfortunately I forgot my camera at home!! :D We don't have the internet at home so I have a hard time getting online. I'll try to get them up soon for you guys though. :rolleyes:



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Awww Ghost is a very cute puppy.


I'm happy to see that you went through so much to rehome her. Most people just "sigh* drop them off at the closest aniaml shelter and go on about their business.

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