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Peeing dog Update


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Hopefully, if his owner sees this post, she can provide more info.


Satch was at first put on meds for diabetes insipidus. That made him worse. He was taken off and has been dry for a while now - a couple of weeks without incident. His owner took him to a specialist yesterday who said the only red flag was a decreased albumin level, but it wasn't so low as to cause a lot of concern. It was still within normal range -- just on the low side.


She got a call last night from the vet who said the specific gravity was low, but the color was good.


He is going in next week for ultrasound of kidneys, liver, adrenal glands. Ironically, just before the vet called her, he let loose with another accident, after having been "dry" for quite a good while.


Bladder infection was ruled out. They will be looking for liver disease and cushings. WTF!

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I just talked to a friend of mine who is a breeder (non BC) for the past 16 years and has dealt with a myriad of problems with her dogs. She has a lot of knowledge both by study and experience and so I told her about Satch's condition.


Her suggestion was, in spite of normal bloodwork, to put him on a round of antibiotics, ones which will get to the kidneys. Sometimes infections don't show up in bloodwork and at this point, it can't hurt.


She also suggested that he might be allergic to grains which are irritating his urinary system and to take him off all grains --- (she herself isn't a raw feeder).


Finally, before spending thousands of dollars on testing, to ask the vet what will you do with the results. IOW, you can find why something is occuring, but it's still not treatable. Also, checking for Cushings --- which is somewhat treatable.


Just thought I'd share some input from someone whose opinion I value and who herself has spent a lot of money for a variety of issues her with her own dogs over the past 16 yrs., and what she has learned.


Other than that, I'll keep you all posted, because this really is bizarre and upsetting.

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She makes some good points. You can find grain-free kibble now, so going grain free doesn't have to mean going raw at least if raw doesn't work for Satch's owner.


I also agree with a thorough discussion with the vet about what potential tests might show and what course of action might be taken based on various results scenarios. I had a dog with a mystery illness, and the vet wanted to do some very expensive procedures (including complete ultrasound, which I did agree to), but I did ask what each procedure was expected to tell us and what the next steps would be based on possible test results. (Her main reasoning for the US was that if she didn't do it and a splenic mass were missed, then she would have been negligent.) I was more inclined to believe he had an infection and was leaning toward lepto, so we compromised and started the standard treatment protocol for lepto, but I did spring for the US as well (which showed all normal organs).


I don't see how putting him on a round of antibiotics could hurt, and if the symptoms stop then that would be a good argument for it having been an infection.


I'll be curious to hear what the latest test results and treatment outcomes are.



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Hi this is Satchmo's mom,


Thanks for taking such an interest. I had to go to my regular vet today so I took Satchmo along. The vet agreed that Raw would be excellent and that antibiotics may also be a good thing to try. I think he wants me to talk to the specialist which I plan on doing on Monday.


Satchmo may end up on a raw diet but I want to try either the antibiotics or testing first. If I feed raw it could certainly reduce his symptoms and cover up whatever he has. I just want to work with one variable at a time. I would like to find out the cause and then treat him as holistically as possible, including nutritionally.


I am open to all suggestions and I will let you all know what happens with Satch in the next week. :rolleyes:





Legacy images has kindly offered to donate a percentage of their sales to help with Satchmo's veterinary bills. http://www.legacyimages-pc.com/index.html


Legacy images makes high quality personalized products and although you may have finished your Christmas shopping, please consider buying for birthdays, anniversaries or even next Christmas (wouldn't that be a feather in your cap!). Items can be shipped anywhere even overseas.


Note to Dog People: Legacy images can use you dog photos on ornaments, checkbook covers, t-shirts etc. If you have a friend with an unusual breed what about a custom frame with the breed name?


YOU MUST CALL YOUR ORDER IN AND MENTION THAT IT IS FOR SATCHMO'S FUND. (if funds exceed bills the money will be donated to help border collie rescues)


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Instead of going Raw maybe try the Innova Evo. I feed my dogs Evo and started it because the one guy has severe food allergies. They were causing all kinds of issues with ear infections, severe hot spots, leaking urine (think it was yeast based), ugly feet, etc... After changing the food, antibiotics and an anti-fungal medicine he has been mainly infection free and rarely leaks urine now for almost 2 years.


Good luck with Satchmo and finding something that fixes the poor guy.

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