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Hi Everyone! I'm new to the group.

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Hi Everyone! My name is Becky and my new little buddy is Albert. He's 3 months old. We are located in the Syracuse, Ny area and welcome any and all play dates!. I look foward to hearing about everyones border collie adventures. Below I've attempted to attached some pictures of my little guy (I hope it works!). Enjoy.




This is of all his brothers and sisters the day he came home with me.


This is me taking Mr. Albert home...


our first attempt at "getting use to children".



And he fell asleep with his favorite toy in his arms. Adorable!



Meeting other dogs....Big dogs...



More nap time.



Even more time...



Playing with a border collie friend.


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Welcome to the forum! I am a newbie to this great place myself and I think you will find it to be rather warm and welcoming. Lots of viewpoints, lots of help and lots of Border Collies can be found here!


Beautiful new puppy you have there and I wish you two a long and wonderful friendship. My friend of 12 years recently passed and I have quickly made friends with a little two month old pup I have named Koda.


Again, welcome.

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What an adorable bunch of puppies! Albert is such a cutie! And his white headed sibling next to him with the black patch on top of his head reminds me of my dog, Ouzo, at the same age! Albert's split face is so sweet! Great pictures! Love the one where he's looking at the big dog - "So, you're my new brother?!" and the one of him sleeping on the floor, and the one sleeping in the car :rolleyes:


Welcome here, Becky and Albert!

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