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My Griffin dog seems to be constipated. He keeps squatting but nothing is happening. He's been with me all day for the past several days so I don't think he's eaten anything to make him obstructed. He's also not wanting to eat, turned down breakfast, I think it's just because he's feeling bad. I decided to try to give him some pumpkin today to get things moving but he doesn't want to eat it.


Anyone have any other ideas on how to help him out?




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My Griffin dog seems to be constipated. He keeps squatting but nothing is happening. He's been with me all day for the past several days so I don't think he's eaten anything to make him obstructed. He's also not wanting to eat, turned down breakfast, I think it's just because he's feeling bad. I decided to try to give him some pumpkin today to get things moving but he doesn't want to eat it.


Anyone have any other ideas on how to help him out?





Umm, is he squatting a lot? One of my dogs got blocked up (impacted) and needed some help to get things moving - it can be a serious problem. You might want to call your vet. It doesn't have to be a foreign body. I screwed up by giving mine a meaty bone and some kibble too close together in time. The excess calcium blocked her up good.

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Constipation can be caused by irritation in the gut, which slippery elm eases. I don't think it can hurt if it doesn't address the underlying cause in this particular case.


My rule of thumb is a day on potty type problems, then call the vet. E-vet, after hours, if there are any signs of distress, or vomiting with the constipation.

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Thanks everyone.


We couldn't get into see the vet today, have an appt late tomorrow afternoon. I'd love to be able to resolve this before then. Can I get mineral oil at Wal-mart? How much by mouth? Where can I get slippery elm? Is it pill form? Liquid? How much of that? He appears in fairly good spirits except for the straining with no poop. No vomiting or anything. He wants to play fetch. I wondered if maybe letting him run around to play might loosen stuff up or do you think play is a bad idea?


Thanks again everyone.


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My standard recipe is 1 cup of canned plain pumpkin, 1/2 cup of non fat yogurt, and either a sardine or a big dollup of fish oil. 30 minutes after meal go for a nice brisk walk. Works for diarrhea or constipation.


If you're comfortable doing it, you can insert a gloved (use some ky) finger gently into his bum and see if you feel stool or a foreign object. If he tries to fight you or you feel anything other than stool STOP and let the vet deal with it.


If the meal doesn't loosen him up, or he acts like he wants to vomit and can't, or his abdomen is tender to touch (when he's standing), he's lethargic, unwilling to walk, unwilling to eat anything, or this goes on more than 6 hours past him eating a meal he needs to see a vet. Given the time frame involved I would be at the vet tonight.

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Did he poop? This sounds pretty gross, but I've done worse on the farm. If you get some gloves or tissue or something and tap his "ya know" about 25 times, it seems to get the ball rolling.... Before I'd spend the money on the vet, I'd try some home remedies myself and things might "move" in the right way. I wouldn't let it go more than 3 days, though. I had a slight problem with my dog but things all "came out in the end". Sorry for the puns, ev1.

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Can I get mineral oil at Wal-mart? How much by mouth?


Yes, you should be able to. You can usually find it in the same place that they sell the other constipation remedies. I don't remember the exact dosage that was prescribed by our vet when our dog had an obstruction, but it was something like a table spoon ever few hours initially. The oil is not digestible, so it just passes right through. The biggest problem that you are likely to have if you give too much is involuntary oil dispensing by your pup. But, I'm with others on this matter. I would be dragging the vet out of bed at this point. You really don't want this to go too long or your dog could have irreversible gut damage.

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Okay, we've had some poop. I don't think it is all he needs to do as it was pretty hard and big but at least it was something. He's not squatting and straining so much anymore either. He's still not wanting to eat though. He ate a couple of little pieces of bil-jac treats at training tonight (rally, nothing strenuous) but turned down his dinner.


I couldn't get to the drug store for mineral oil tonight and I was hoping that it was pretty much over since he did poop some.


I've got an appt for tomorrow at the vets.



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YEA for poop!!! Been there, done that, was even tempted to take a picture of it.

When my oldest son- now 30, so excuse my long time inexperience, was 3. He wanted to be like his baby brother and drink from a bottle. Mom was tanning while baby was asleep and big brother drank baby oil. I called the poison control center and all they said was "No matter how much he drank, the worst that can happen is he will just have the "runs" so if it's ok by people, must be OK by dogs.

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When syringing and not tubing It is difficult to get mineral oil into a dog without getting it into their lungs. If you aren't adept at giving liquid medications, just skip that option. He'd be far more likely to willingly eat pumpkin with fish oil, and less risk of aspiration.

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Yay! More poop this morning. He seems to be feeling better and ate breakfast this morning. I got the mineral oil and am giving him a little this morning. I'm tempted to cancel the vet appt since everything seems to be coming out in the wash.


Thanks again everyone for the support. It's hard to explain to my non-dog friends how I can be so worried about the lack of poop. I got the comment that one person wouldn't know if their dog didn't go for days, they don't watch. Maybe I am crazy but I like to keep up with my dogs GI habits. Then I know when something is wrong...like yesterday.


I think I'll be adding some extra fiber into Grif's diet on a regular basis now.


Thanks again,



PS. Thanks Lenajo for the heads up. I worked as a vet tech for years and feel confident that I can give him the oil safely but I'll be extra careful.

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When syringing and not tubing It is difficult to get mineral oil into a dog without getting it into their lungs. If you aren't adept at giving liquid medications, just skip that option. He'd be far more likely to willingly eat pumpkin with fish oil, and less risk of aspiration.


When we gave mineral oil, we just put it on his food and let him eat it. But, this is a dog that will eat almost anything. Hence his problem with an obstructed bowel. Luckily, his obstruction passed without the need for surgery.

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Guest SweetJordan
When syringing and not tubing It is difficult to get mineral oil into a dog without getting it into their lungs. If you aren't adept at giving liquid medications, just skip that option. He'd be far more likely to willingly eat pumpkin with fish oil, and less risk of aspiration.

What about w/ water?

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I guess it could be added to water but since we have two more border collies whose GI tract is fine I don't want them getting the runs from drinking mineral oil in water. But for people with only one dog it's a good idea.


It seems that Grif is back to normal. Several big poops later he is eating well and is enjoying his pumpkin so he will stay regular.


Thanks everyone!


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Guest SweetJordan
I guess it could be added to water but since we have two more border collies whose GI tract is fine I don't want them getting the runs from drinking mineral oil in water. But for people with only one dog it's a good idea.


It seems that Grif is back to normal. Several big poops later he is eating well and is enjoying his pumpkin so he will stay regular.


Thanks everyone!


No, I was asking if you gave a dog just plain water with a syringe whether it is likely that it could end up going into the lungs? Nothing really to do w/ your situation. Since someone brought up the point w/ mineral oil I was wondering if the same could happen w/ plain water.

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