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I got home from agility tonight and Steve told me that he had just put the foster puppy, Tater, in the bedroom a few minutes earlier. So, I went to check on him and noticed spots on my carpet and some liquid on the tile in my bathroom. I figured that Tater had peed on the floor in my bathroom and tracked it on the carpet. But, this would be unusual for him, since he is mostly potty trained and had just come in from being outside. So, I wiped it with a Kleenex to see if it was clear or yellow. It was gooey. So, I went out and told this to Steve and he said, "Oh yeah, he's been drooling for some reason."


This is A LOT of drool. I wipe it up and a few seconds later he is drooling again. He is tired but he went to the beach two days in a row, so it's not unusual for him to be tired. He still wags his tail and even drank a little water. I'm not sure if I should consider this an emergency and call my vet tonight, or wait until tomorrow morning. He's not vomiting or acting like he's in pain. But, I'm a total worry wort! Does anyone have any thoughts about the drooling? Tater is about 4.5-5 months old. He eats, or tries to eat everything right now.

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Have you checked his mouth to see if some foreign object is lodged inside? Sometimes a piece of stick or something gets stuck in there and that can cause excessive drooling. How about his teeth? Did he injure one somehow? My neighbor's Aussie broke off one of her teeth and they didn't notice it until the dog started drooling buckets.


Good luck! I hope the little pup is okay.

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Have you checked his mouth to see if some foreign object is lodged inside?


Being the total worry wort that I am, I called my vet. He also suggested that I check Tater's mouth, which we did. There was nothing there. The next thing that he suggested was that we rinse Tater's mouth with a very low pressure hose. So, we used the dog wash hose to rinse his mouth. My vet didn't believe, based on what I described, that Tater's condition was life-threatening. I think he was right because he is already drooling much less. I think that Tater probably got a hold of a toad when he was outside. Unfortunately, we have a very poisonous toad in FL, but I've never seen them in my area and I don't think one could get into my yard very easily, since my fence goes below ground for most of it's length. But, I was concerned that he may have eaten something poisonous. He's acting tired, but not sick, so I think he's going to be fine. I was just panicking a little. :rolleyes:

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Glad I'm not the only worry wort on the Boards, Mary :rolleyes: - and glad to hear the little one is drooling less. My first was whether he was teething, given his age - but toad makes sense too. We don't have them here in Tasmania, but it was one of my many worries on a recent trip with the dogs to southern Queensland, where there are lots of cane toads. Rinsing the moth out with the hose is the recomended treatment for dogs who've contacted those too.

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Oh, man, I'm just seeing this! I guess little Tater is doing better today, Mary?


Yes, he's fine. I just always imagine the worse. There was so much drool, though. The minute we wiped his mouth, he'd start again.


BTW, Tassie, cane toads are the really nasty toads that we have here in FL, too. Thank goodness I've never seen them near where I live. But, they are common about an hour south of me. :rolleyes:

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We have some sort of nasty toad here in DK too. I remember drool problems with my ex's cat, who insisted on going after them again and again. No problems with Molly--yet. But I am sure my panic time will come.


I am so glad Tater is doing okay and it wasn't anything serious. It is better to be alert to potential problems than assume things are fine and miss something serious. But it such a relief when it really isn't a big deal after all.

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