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Urinating in house


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One of the dogs has starting urinating in the house. I suspect it's Dusty BA, but since I haven't caught anyone in the act, I can't say for sure. This morning, all the dogs had been outside and I was in the kitchen. I walk into the livingroom and immediately, I can smell urine. Sure enough, there was a large puddle near a plant stand. This is definitely not a 'marking' behaviour given the quantity! Fortunately, these are old tile floors so no harm done that way.


Dusty has been acting 'off' for a bit. He's not quite his usual self which is another reason I think it's him. So, is urinating in the house a possible sign of infection? Is there something else I should be looking at? We haven't changed foods, our routines, etc. so I'm baffled.


Any thoughts?

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I am perhaps way off but in my case more urinating meant Diabetes for my little Yorkie. We only noticed it over a couple of days with more water drinking too. I thought actually it was a bladder infection but unfortunately for us it was Diabetes. I would take a urine sample to your vets to get them to check it . Hopefully it is just some sort of infection though that can be cleared up with some medicine.


Good luck

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He's not quite his usual self which is another reason I think it's him. So, is urinating in the house a possible sign of infection? Is there something else I should be looking at?


My first thought in these cases is always infection. If you supsect one dog, you could bring in his urine sample to be tested. Or if you're not sure, you could separate them in some way so when you find the urine, you'll know who is having the accidents. There are other causes, but a simple UTI would be the first thing I'd rule out. And if it is an UTI, the dog may be feeling pretty sick so I'd want to get him treated quickly.

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