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Woobie's got Fall Fever!!!

Guest WoobiesMom

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Guest WoobiesMom

Just got back from a 4 mile walk with the Woobster who is in fine form with the nice crisp air we have here. He pulled and tugged, sniffed and snuffed, and generally hopped, scooted and lunged his way from scent to scent the whole way. Nearly pulled me into the lake when he decided to be brave and take off after some Canadian geese and is now running laps through the dining room and hallway, terrorizing the cats and barking and yelping at invisible spirits begging them to play!


And I want two of these?????????

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LOL!! The more the merrier in this weather!


My four came in from their early morning potty today literally frolicking. They entertained themselves for about five minutes straight! Sammie pranced around with a ball in his moth and Speedy capered nearby with another ball in his mouth. Dean ran around both of them and the sofa, taking a low jump every time he ran around the sofa.


They were happy as happy could be and I didn't have to lift a finger. Sometimes Maddie is the only one with any sense! She went right back to bed and waited for me to resume snoozing!

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This is the best time of year! It means my dogs (the younger two at least) can actually keep up with me now :D

They get somewhat petulant in the summer and refuse to run/play at decent speeds. Reuben has been known to grab his leash and walk himself back home because he doesn't like hot weather! Now there are no excuses (except now I am back at college and so I can't run them ragged :rolleyes: )

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