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Eating - time of day

diane allen

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OK, here's a weird one. 11 yr old BC, picture of health except as noted, agility NUT and still kicking Bu**, mentally as sound as a dog can be (except for a minor toy obsession - and even that is over-stating it...). Lives with two other dogs, gets along and/or bosses 'em around just fine. Nothing particularly new or different in her life. Has had minor incontinence off and on, currently controlled by DES once a week. The note: had high Alk Phos last spring, kept going up over several months. Had an ultrasound, bile acid test, and another ratio test I'm spacing at the moment (cortisol to...??). EVERYTHING came back normal. No increased drinking or urination, bowel movements fine. Has been on raw diet (basically, Dr. Pitcairn's) for many years, and does extremely well on it.


Current problem: about a month or two ago, she started NOT eating her morning meal. I tried cooking the meat, she ate that for awhile, but now really doesn't want that. A handful of Evo (kibble) is attacked heartily! She will, however, eat her raw food in the evening. I thought maybe since it was mid-summer, busy busy busy in the evenings (both of us!), that she was just eating dinner so late, and breakfast so early, that she just wasn't hungry. So, lately, I've been trying hard to make the meals at least 12 hr apart, and more hours overnight if possible. She still doesn't want breakfast, unless it's just plain kibble (this a.m., I added a bit of yogurt, which she's always loved, and fish oil - I thought she wasn't going to eat it at all, but finally she worked it down...).


I don't have a HUGE problem feeding a quality kibble - it just seems to strange to have this change, and also that she'll eat raw in the evening just fine.


Any thoughts?


I was planning to get another blood test this fall.



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Forgot to mention, if it's relevant (?) - she'll eat the raw food rejected in the morning, if she gets it around noon or early afternoon. Not always "heartily" but usually will eat most of it then.


And oh: if this was one of my other dogs, I'd say it was behavioral, "manipulating" me, just trying to get away with whatever - but not this one. She's just not like that!



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[Thanks bc friend. That's about where we are now. But she will not eat a single bite of raw - or cooked - in the a.m. She is readily eating a cup of Evo kibble, and I can sometimes sneak a little yogurt with supplements sprinkled on (glucosamine, etc.). I guess that'll just be the way it is! (though I admit to trying a bowl of raw mix every now and then, just to see if she's forgotten.....yeah, right!).



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