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Meeker or arena trial?


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I was planning to go to Meeker this weekend to watch all the big hats run in the semifinals and finals, as I do every year, but at the last minute I got an announcement about a small arena trial being held on Saturday. Taz and I are novices (poor Craig is not a novice but he sometimes runs like one when relying on me for direction :rolleyes: ), and we lack trial experience in major way. There are not very many novice classes at trials in my area. However, our club is planning a novice series over the winter--yay yay yay!


I am considering skipping Meeker this year in order to run in this small arena trial. We don't do very well in arenas (I was going to say we don't do very well at arena trials, but, um, so far we haven't done really well at any trials). We do really need more trialing experience, but is it worth missing Meeker? I always learn a ton watching the great handlers with their great dogs, but it's kind of a different type of learning than what I'd learn running at even a small trial. There will be other trials, of course. On the other hand, Meeker happens every year--it wouldn't be the end of the world if I miss it one year.


What would you do?

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Id' go to Meeker! Some of the handlers from overseas might not have the opportunity or the funds to come back again and watching someone like Faansie Basson run is a great experience. Speaking of Faansie, I wonder why he didn't bring Lad? That dog was amazing when I saw him run in 2005! He and Tommy Wilson went over to help load the sheep on the tractor trailer the morning of the double lift (and they both were running in it). David was there helping, but he was in the trailer, on his hands and knees, pushing the sheep back further so more could be loaded on. Both Lad and Sly were working hard, biting and crawling on backs of the sheep to help push them through the chutes, up the ramp to load them on the 3 decker livestock trailer! He said it was quite impressive! Personally, I think I'd have let someone else help with that task and save my dog for the double lift. :rolleyes:

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If it were me, and I were in your shoes, I'd opt for Meeker ;-) Simply for the fact that that would be a way cool trial to go and watch, I'd love to go! That, and it's been my experience, that arena trials aren't all that good for green dogs or green handlers. I don't have anything against arena trials mind you, I'm going to one in a couple of weeks...but as a pretty good trainer told me, running your green dog in an arena, undo's/undoes? LOL all the training you do (in regards to keeping your off your sheep, keeping them from being tight etc...and IMHO your timing has to be pretty good to get around an arena with any degree of sucess...just seems like you'd be setting yourself up for frustration. Once again, take my advice for what its' worth LOL. It's just, 'been there, done that' ;-) If you go to Meeker though, be sure and take lots of pics! :-) Glad your area will be having a Novice series this winter :-) Good for you!

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If it were me, I'd go to Meeker. I like arena trials and all, but they're not much like normal trials simply because of the environment, and personally I don't think you'd be missing much.


Either that, or you could just blow in to the arena trial, do your run, and then blow back out so you can see Meeker. I don't like to trial that way (I would rather hang around and ideally be doing some sort of trial-related chore, since I am constitutionally incapable of just being there without being used in some way) but YMMV.

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I am so relieved to hear all of you say this. I actually want to go to Meeker really bad, but I thought maybe I was being, I don't know, irresponsible or something by not going to a trial I could actually run in (instead of just watching/helping). I mean, here I am complaining that I don't get enough trial experience, and this trial would provide me with some experience--but it would come at the expense of being at Meeker. And while Meeker is one of the biggest trials in the country, I am fortunate enough to live close enough to see it every year. My friends are doing set out. This is not my only opportunity to see it--but still I'd much rather go see some incredible runs there than go to another trial (which actually is about eight hours away from Meeker, so I can't go to both) just to run in an arena.


Thanks everyone!! I'll take pictures, but I have the crappiest point and shoot ever...

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Meeker, Meeker, Meeker

Meeker, Meeker, Meeker


Don't take it for granted. One day it or you might move to somewhere else and then where'd you be? What I'd give to have a great trial around me! All I find is tiny arena trials. Oh for the love of a good open trial where there is learning to be had and only a few hours drive!


The learning is so wonderful when you get some of the best handlers around. Besides who'd be going to the arena trial when Meeker is right around the block? What would you be learning there?


Have fun!


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True, true. I certainly don't mean to take my access to Meeker for granted. I am very happy to take advantage of it! And I was more thinking my learning would be about handling the pressures of competing, rather than anything else, because you're right--all the experienced folks are going to be at Meeker. It's an interesting point, also, that running in arena trials might serve to actually undermine my training with Taz. He is very pressure-sensitive and runs very tight and very fast in arenas--I thought we should be learning to deal with those pressures; I never thought that running under those conditions would undermine our progress in the long run. Very interesting. Thanks so much for all the input!

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