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Around may 20th a dog park opened just down the road from us, in our local county. They have most of the equipment in Agility. They have the A frame, the weave poles, and 5 0r 6 jumps, 2 teater-toters. 3 tunnels. This place is so cool. It is so great to take your dog here and let them off lease and socialize with other dogs. It's also good for the Humans to LOL we get to talk with other dog lovers of all kinds. I am so proud of Zeke he loves to go. I try to take him at least once every day or every other. He does so good. He can do the A frame no problem at all, a couple jumps, he is starting to get used to the tunnel, the weave we have to practice more. But the teater-toter is not going to well, You guys have any hints on how to go about this one. What happend was he is so used to the A frame I showed him the t-t and when it went down it went really fast and he freaked out. Another question I have is He can jump the jumps but he can't quite jump that high cause of his short legs. Is there certain height requirments for competition? Like if a dog can't jump very high do they put the jumps lower? What other things am I missing for the agility? I will try to post picks soon. Thanks Krista

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Hey that's awesome! I just found a new dogpark 20 minutes away, which I'm really excited about. Taking Oreo to the dogpark was the highlight of my days. :rolleyes:


How old is Zeke now? If he's still quite young as I think he is, he shouldn't be doing jumps at all - too hard on their joints. Wait until about 18 months. Just be careful on some of the other equipment as well. I haven't done agility yet so I can't really comment specifically. :D

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For the teeter-totter you need to get him to stop on the half-way point (or just past it) so it can go down slowly and then he can walk it down. Make him stop with either a target (if he's trained for that) or simply a treat placed in the right spot will do. Then also place a target/treat at the very bottom of the board, where he will dismount. Do it on leash for awhile so he gets the hang of it, then let him try it by himself.


But I have to also agree with Lunar. If Zeke is young, let his bones finish growing and close. I learned this lesson the hard way and my 4-year-old dog is now beginning to suffer from early arthritis in the shoulder - he had OCD surgery (removing a bone chip) at 10 months of age because he was jumping and landing on his front legs too often and too hard.

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How high of jumps are we talking here? I'm sure they don't have to be to high to get hurt. But the Jumps are about 1 foot high. I feel so bad I didn't even think about that. I will make him stop. We were just having so much fun. Another issue that is so embarrassing. is when I take him there and he falls in love with every female dog there. and wants to hu mp them. I am getting him fixed next week sometime but I don't want to not take him for a week. Ugh dogs I swear. Thanks Krista

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Before Riley had OCD, I would have said 1 foot jumps are okay. But it's just really not worth it!


First there's the out-of-pocket expenses for the vet visits & surgery (over $1000), then you have to deal with recovery (think 2 weeks of constant crating, then a gradual decrease over the next 2 weeks), then the dog is quite likely to suffer from early arthritis later on, for the rest of his life! Hindsight is 20/20 for me and I won't allow any jumps for our next puppy, though I sincerely doubt I'll ever go the puppy route again, just too many sweet adult rescues out there that need homes.



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The jumps ARE different. Although like the others said - NO jumping for pups (under 12-18 months)

I *think* that this is correct for NADAC agility competitions - but this is just off the top of my head:

11" and under at the shoulder jumps 8"

14" and under at the shoulder jumps 12"

18" and under at the shoulder jumps 16"

20" and under OR OVER at the shoulder jump 20"


The worst thing is when the dog goes flying over the teeter for the first time and scare themselves.

here are two "games" you can do for teeter issues:

Tip It

Usually with a clicker, teach the dog to put its paws onto the up end of the teeter and push it down. That will make the act of making the teeter bang down a fun game as well as putting your paws onto on object that is going to move


Wobble Board

Get a nice big square piece of wood and stick a pencil or something under it. Get the dog to jump onto the board and sit. Once the dog is happy with that use something bigger (like a golf ball). That will help get the dog used to a moving surface.


For teeter training I don't actually want my dogs to stop at the tip point (although they should know where it is) but rather run to the very end and ride it down. For competing it gives you an edge as long as you train it well so your dog doesn't fly off before the teeter hits the ground (20 faults). But I only teach them that after the know the teeter. Just something to keep in mind.


The equipment you can see in agility is usually:


Teeter Totter




Winged jump

Single jump

Double jump

Spread bar Jump

Tire Jump

Other things:


Pause Table


I think that is it......

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The park is located in Bay City Michigan if you guys were wondering.



Here is a copy of the newspaper article


" Winifred Young, 85, has been bringing her dog Niklaas to Bay County's new dog park twice a day since it opened on May 20.


''He lives with an old lady and three cats, so I love bringing him here with the guys,'' said Young, of Bay City. ''He yearns to be with dogs.''


So that's why Young spends so much time at Central Bark, the name given the dog park, situated at the Bay County Fairgrounds, 800 Livingston St.


Josh Hartley, 25, of Bay City, won the naming contest sponsored by the Humane Society of Bay County. Hartley received a $25 gift certificate to Soldan's Feeds & Pet Supplies, 3762 E. Wilder Road.


''My girlfriend actually grabbed the flier for her son for the naming of the park, and he thought of something, and (Central Bark) just popped in my head and I said it,'' Hartley said.


At Central Bark, Niklaas can play safely in the large space, go up and down on his favorite toy - a plastic bridge - and hang out with other dogs, Young said.


''There must have been 20 (dogs) here last night,'' Young said.


Jennifer Wood, 39, of Bay City, stops by the park two or three times a week with her cockapoo, Czisa. She also has brought along her mother's dog, Bud, on occasion.


Some dogs head right for the toys, others seem happy to just roam free, smell the edges of the fence, or sniff each other.


''We were just so pleased when we heard this was opening,'' Wood said. ''We can talk with other dog lovers, which gives us a chance to be social too.''


Wood said she's not too concerned about dogs biting people or getting in fights with other dogs, but she might be concerned if aggressive dogs were in the park. Certain aggressive breeds, such as pit bulls, would probably keep her from bringing in her dogs, she said.


''We would hope people would use common sense,'' said Humane Society president Melissa Kaekel. ''As soon as your dog starts to show any signs of aggression toward any person or a dog, the owner is supposed to remove them immediately.''



So what do you guys think? I was so Happy last night there was a girl there with a rescued BC Her name was "Felony" Guess where she came from LOL. A cop who couldn't handle her energy. It was amazing seeing her in action. Such and awsome dog. I think I am addicted I want another one now. I hope Zeke can be that good some day. She' has been working with the dog for about a year now. Well I will try to get Picks up a.s.a.p, and I will let you know about Zeke's progress. Oh and the girl with the bc told me the best way to go about the weve poles is to start with stakes in the ground is that right and set them on an angel? Thanks Krista

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YEAH. I am so thrilled right now. Today has been a great day. 1st thing zeke went threw the Tunnels all by himself. Then we ran a little bit of the course (at least how it is set up there) He did two tunnels the A frame then another Tunnel. I was so proud of him. We would of done it more but it was like 85 degrees out and way to hot to be running around. 2nd thing The girl with the other BC was there again tonight and said she would bring her home set to help train zeke. It's what she used for her BC. I also found out she help's with training in agility classes. Maybe I can get some hints and tips from her. Well Thank you guys. Talk to yah later. Krista

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