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Enlarged Heart


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We're in waiting mode here for more information about Polly's heart. We've noticed in the last month or so that she seems to have less stamina--play sessions ending after 10 minutes and a little weakness in her back legs. I thought I was being over-cautious, but took her in for tests anyway. I'm so glad I did.


The vet did an EKG and bloodwork today. The EKG was normal, no murmur, as was the bloodwork. They did an x-ray though, and the right side of her heart is slightly englarged. The x-rays have been sent to be read and if needed, we might be off to see a heart specialist.


I'm finding very little online about this, and of course I'm so worried. :rolleyes:


Anyone with any experience with this problem? I'm going to share the information as it comes along to hopefully help anyone else.


Thanks in advance for any help or advice.



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Hi Charlene,


Sorry to hear about Polly. I have had both a dog and a cat with cardiac problems and both were treated by a cardiologist.


Based on my experience, the x-rays typically do not show much & you will need to get an ultrasound. I would see a cardiologist based on what you have already said & not wait for someone to look at the x-rays. You are already seeing symptoms. Specialists such as cardiologists are so much better able to address cardiac issues. How old is Polly?


Many cardiac problems are very treatable. My dog worked for several years after she was diagnosed. Many medications can ease the strain on the heart - most are the same drugs that people with heart disease use. I just took extra precautions with my dog when it was hot or if I was asking for extreme exertion.


Where are you located? I have seen cardiologists both at UofPenn and Cornell.


Good luck & let me know if you have other questions,


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Thank you so much for your response.


Polly is 18 months old. I've discussed this with my husband and we both agreed that we will seek out a cardiologist. The nearest one to us is in Pittsburgh, PA. We live in Bridgeport, West Virginia.


It was so helpful to hear that the animals can have normal lives with this problem. I've dealt with chronic illness with other pets before, but thinking about keeping a border collie happy and well-adjusted with limited exercise seems daunting :rolleyes:


I so appreciate your help and support.



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Wick was diagnosed this year with a heart murmer during a pre-anaesthetic check (she was getting her teeth cleaned). We made an appointment to get an ultrasound and that showed that she had some sort of valve leak.


I was waiting for the radiologist to tell me that she needed to see a cardiologist, and that she should be on crate rest and all that other nightmare stuff ... and he said "Other than the slight valve leak, this is a remarkably healthy little dog. She's quite an athlete too, I've seen very few hearts as strong as this one." He then said that she could continue doing whatever it is that she does, and that was that! He did put some cool images on a CD for me. :rolleyes:






I hope that Polly has as nice a prognosis. I know I was terrified when I was waiting for her appointment.


BTW, this is the heart murmer dog:


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It's so good to know that Wick is doing so well. She is gorgeous--and she has stylish flair going over the jump!


Polly is just so young. I'm floored by this news. The vet office called a little while ago and said that there is no news--it's gonna be a long weekend...


Thanks so much.



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It was very nice of you to post that pic- It gives one hopes to see a dog with a small disorder succeed so well. Also gives other people with dog injuries hopes. Thank you.

Edited by Bo Peep
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Charlene - I missed reading this until today. I'm sorry to hear this about Polly. From the sounds of things, hopefully she will lead a rather normal life with your good care.


You are a very observant and caring owner and I am glad to hear that you are going to pursue this with a specialist, so that Polly can have the best of care.


Best wishes for a good outcome! I hope I have the chance to meet you some day. Do you go to the Highland Festival there in May? We usually go, dogs and all, but had to miss due to other family commitments last year. Maybe next year...

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Thanks Sue.


We had to miss the Highland Festival due to a family thing.


There's a missing BC in your area. I didn't know if you had seen that in the Rescue and Adoption Section.


Ugh. I'm a mess today. This dog is my baby.


Thanks everyone.



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