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Speedy surprised me during a new adventure today!

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We started taking freestlye classes almost two months ago and a group of students went to a local nursing home to have the dogs perform for a group of the residents.


I wasn't going to take Speedy - I thought that people in wheelchairs and so forth might freak him out. But on reflection I decided to take him. I figured that if all he did was sit in a corner and watch what was going on, that would be fine. And if he had been really frightened, we would have left.


He was very interested by the entire place. He liked the automatic door that slid open as we entered and he wasn't bothered at all by the wheelchairs moving in the hallways - they were going pretty slow and things were very quiet.


When we went into the center of the circle of folks gathered around to watch, Speedy was nervous, but not to any extreme. He didn't want to do anything at that point but look at the people, but that was OK. He wasn't trying to hide - he just seemed to want to take everything in.


I wasn't going to have him do any freestlye - we are still so new at it and we don't really have a routine to our music - but he was so interested in the other dogs taking their turn that I decided to go out there and see what he would do to his music.


He surprised me. He did a few moves and then broke away to sniff someone's foot!!!! Then I got him back and he did a few more moves. He was wagging his tail and was really enjoying himself!


Just to fill any of you who don't know this in - Speedy has been an extremely shy dog for most of his life. This is a dog that used to hide behind my legs when anyone other than my husband or me looked at him and never let anyone other than us touch him until about a year ago! With the help of many, many good people, I've been working on teaching him to accept attention from people for several years. He is still cautious and is choosy about who he wants to be really chummy with, but nowadays he gets into downright sociable moods sometimes!


Still, I have to laugh at the irony of today's adventure. A nursing home setting is one that would be stressful to a lot of dogs that don't have issues. Then in walks my typically timid, shy, fearful dog and he's taking it all in stride and having a good old time!


I was very proud of him today!

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Hmm interesting observation - my Maggie (shy/undersocialized at adoption) is doing better and better in her therapy dog visits. She got her 'certification' in 2003 and seems to really enjoy visiting her 'designated butt patters' as the ladies call themselves. :rolleyes:


Maybe the shy dogs know what it's like to be unsure, disoriented, or scared and thus they can identify more w/ the people they interact with in a nursing home situation?!

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