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border collie and HOund?

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Here are some pix of Liberty. I know she is mostly BC partial rough coat, i think (hard to tell with the demodex making her hair fall out!) but we think she may have a little hound in her. What's everyone else's opinion?


She is on the lean side, though according to my vet--not underweight at all. Very long legged and incredibly fast. Her head is rather small for her body IMO.


We are just curious as we have a bloodhound/lab/collie mix and we wondered if our BC was a hound mix too.


i have some side shots somewhere i'll post. she is now going on five months old so the pix are a little outdated--she still has most of her hair in them! (we are having a bit of trouble treating the demodex, and she is missing more than half her hair right now)



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Hound? Don't see that from these photos. I'm thinking a smaller breed due to the large round eyes. How much does she weigh?


According to Monday's vet visit we are at 17 3/4 pound. We are 17 weeks old. She has 'folds' on her face that are consistent with a hound (boyfriend says). We don't really know.

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Unfortunately my zip drive with her new pix on it is at home!



Vet suggested maybe a wippet or grayhound mix, and i looked at some pix and she is definitely shaped similiarly. Of course, agreement is that she is mainly a border collie.


the Humane society wasn't really sure. They had over 45 puppies in the place (including wiemereiner mommy who gave birth that morning to eight little pups) and weren't even sure which pups in the cage were her litter mates!

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Hound? Don't see that from these photos. I'm thinking a smaller breed due to the large round eyes. How much does she weigh?



Cant really tell from these pix, but her eyes are more oval now. She had a nasty case of ringworm that made the hair around her eyes fall out. The pix are a little misleading thanks to the hair loss and poor resolution. my estimated quess is that she is 10-12 inches at shoulder (no ruler available).


She is of course, incredibly intelligent! She can 'crawl' on her belly, and various other tricks as well.

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She's a cutie, that's for sure! I don't really see hound there, at least not in those pictures. What about BC/JRT?



I wondered if she was a Jack Russel or a Parson Russel mix. My brother has an eight month old JRT girl and she is smaller than my girl but they share some features.


there are a lot of puppies in my family right now!

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