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Clarification to NC Dog Fighting and Baiting Law

Deacon Dog

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Fellow handlers:


Last year the North Carolina General Assembly passed a statute intended to prohibit dog fighting and baiting. At the time, many of us were concerned that the language of the law was sufficiently vague that it could be applied to stock dog trialing. Particularly, the statute made it a felony to own or train a dog “with the intent that the dog be used in an exhibition featuring the baiting of…another animal” or to participate as a spectator in such an exhibition. What constitutes “baiting” was not defined in the statute.


Thanks wholly to the efforts of Dwight Parker, Senator John Snow has sponsored a clarification to the dog fighting and baiting statute that reads “this section does not apply to the use of herding dogs engaged in the working of domesticated livestock for agricultural, entertainment, or sporting purposes.” The clarification is Bill 21 co-sponsored by Senator Edward Goodall and has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee for review.


I have sent letters and e-mails supporting the clarification bill on behalf of the Carolina Border Collie Association to my Representative, Senator and members of the Judiciary Committee, and I strongly urge North Carolina residents to do the same. Names and contact information for Representatives and Senators can be found at http://www.ncga.state.nc.us by entering a zip code at the bottom of the menu on the right. Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are as follows:


Sen. Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr. - District 36 - Fletcherh@ncleg.net

Sen. Austin M. Allran - District 42 - Austina@ncleg.net

Sen. Doug Berger - District 7 - Dougb@ncleg.net

Sen. Ed Jones - District 4 - Edwardj@ncleg.net

Sen. Tom Apodaca - District 48 - Toma@ncleg.net

Sen. Bob Atwater - District 18 - Boba@ncleg.net

Sen. Stan Bingham - District 33 - stanb@ncleg.net

Sen. Walter H. Dalton - District 46 - Walterd@ncleg.net

Sen. Charley S. Dannelly - District 38 - Charlied@ncleg.net

Sen. Katie G. Dorsett - District 28 - Katied@ncleg.net

Sen. W. Edward Goodall - District 35 - Eddieg@ncleg.net

Sen. Jim Jacumin - District 44 - Jimja@ncleg.net

Sen. John H. Kerr III - District 5 - Johnk@ncleg.net

Sen. Joe Sam Queen - District 47 - Joeq@ncleg.net

Sen. John Snow - District 50 - Johnsn@ncleg.net

Sen. A.B. Swindell - District 11 - abs@ncleg.net


Thanks in advance for your support. Please contact me if you have any questions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

S21 passed the first reading in the House and was referred to the Agriculture and Judiciary committees.


Three other dog related bills have been introduced this session:


(1) S1424 amends the dog fighting and baiting law to allow earthdog trials and reads "This section does not prohibit the use of dogs in earthdog trials that are sanctioned or sponsored by the American Kennel Club, the American Working Terrier Association, or the United Kennel Club. Quarry at an earthdog trial shall at all times be kept separate from the dogs by a sturdy barrier, such as a cage, and have access to food and water."


(2) S1172 amends the law regarding the restraining of dogs by establishing an intricate set of rules about the manner and time a dog can be tied out on a chain or wire but includes an exception for "use of the dog in shepherding or herding livestock."


(3) S92 amends the dangerous dog law by requiring liability insurance for a dog that has killed or severely injured a person or domestic animal or has threatened a person off the owner's property, but the existing law includes an exception for "a dog...working as a...herding dog...and the damage or injury was to a species or type of domestic animal appropriate to the work of the dog."


It's clear that S21 is of primary importance to the stock dog community, and I'm afraid the other bills--and I'm in no way implying any judgment about their merit--will muddy the water and focus attention of the so-called animal welfare organizations. Consequently, it's more important than ever to contact members of the NC General Assembly in support of S21.

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  • 2 months later...

After recieving favorable recommendations from the House Agriculture and Judiciary Committees, S21 passed the House last Wednesday. It's expected to be ratified and signed by the Governor. Thanks again to everyone who contacted their representatives.


FYI, S1424 is also awaiting ratification; S1172 was withdrawn; S92 passed the Senate and was referred to the House Jucidiary committee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Senate Bill 21 was signed by the Governor last Thursday and is now the law. General Statute 14-362.2, Dog fighting and baiting, "does not apply to the use of herding dogs engaged in the working of domesticated livestock for agricultural, entertainment, or sporting purposes."


Thanks to everyone who supported this change. Special thanks to Dwight Parker and Senator John Snow who got the ball rolling.


FYI S1424 excepting earthdog trials was also signed by the Governor. S92 rewriting the law requiring owners of dangerous dogs to provide surety or liability insurance is still in the House Judiciary Committee.

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