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electrifying new sheep


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A satirical article appeared first in The Watley review and I found it in an issue of Small Farm Canada.

To sum it up quickly, In Australia, scientists discovered that if geneticly modified Merino sheep were fed a particular diet, they could produce wool with a high enough tungstan content that the wool could be used for lightbulb filaments.

Here is the ethical dilemma...Genetically modifying anything is bad But tungstan mining produces huge amounts of pollution and serious health side effects for the miners.

To quote this hilarious article "Man, this is a real headscratcher," said Greendpeace activist Robert Pendrake. "I must admit that the elimination of an entire mining industry is a very attractive prospect.Why couldn't they have made it simpler for us by having the sheep grow guns or something. I could take a postion on that."

Other groups oppose the tungstan wooled sheep because incandescent bulbs are not as efficient as compact flourescent bulbs.

The White House has declined comment on the issue. "Are you kidding?" said White House Spokesman Scott McCllean. "Ask me an easier one, like something about war crimes or the economy or something"

The entire article can be found at


Don't take anything you read at this site seriously, its just good for making coffee come out your nose first thing in the morning.

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