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I bought one of those sterilized bones from a pet supply. My 20month old really went at it last night & is chewing bits of the bone (small bits) off,chewing them up and swallowing. Is this okay? The bone is not splintering. The bits are small, smaller than a bb. I try to give her a variety of things, nylon nyla bone, rubber kongs, but she seems pretty enamoured of this bone, so I'd rather not take it away from her if I don't have to.


Also, this is not a problem, just a behavior I'm curious about. D. won't take any of these from me directly when they're new. I have to set them down and go away. Then she sneaks right in and gets the bone or toy. She takes food & treats right from my hand.

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Originally posted by J&D:

Also, this is not a problem, just a behavior I'm curious about. D. won't take any of these from me directly when they're new. I have to set them down and go away. Then she sneaks right in and gets the bone or toy. She takes food & treats right from my hand.

She probably just can't believe that you, the leader of the pack who is entitled to eat all the best things, would give away something THAT good.


Kessie is the same. With raw meat, she'll wait respectfully until I've put the bowl down and gone away. I think she would eat it from my hand if I made it clear that it was meant for her, but I don't touch the stuff if I don't have to :rolleyes:


I don't know anything about sterilised bones :confused: . Eating small pieces of normal bone is okay IMO.

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