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Observed our first Agility Class last night!

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I got to take Bree in last night to observe an agility class with an instructor we are considering classes with. I REALLY like the instructor. Bree liked her too.


She told us we could come onto the floor and look around, sniff equipment, etc. So, we wandered around and did just that. When we walked up to one of the jumps, Bree sniffed it, and then jumped it. :rolleyes: And no, I didn't do a thing to encourage it, it was like she just knew what to do with it.


The instructor let Bree do a tunnel, which was a hoot. Bree just had a grand time, and so did I. The downside is that this instructor will be moving away soon, so we will only be able to take classes at her facility for just so long. But I have a plan in mind for after she leaves. I am taking both Bree and Ginger to their first offical agility class next Tuesday, and we are officially beginning obedience next month.


I was so proud of her, though. She was very relaxed, confident, and behaved like a lady. The instructor told me several times that Bree would make a great 16" dog, but I have NO idea what that means. I just smiled and nodded.


I think I'm in big trouble here. A year ago I thought, "sheep? agility? flyball? No, I just want a pet", and now I'm thinking, "sheep? agility? flyball? Comeon doggies, lets go for it, and where can I get another Border Collie??". Yikes. Is there something I can do to avoid the addiction before it gets too deeply rooted?? :D

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Nope, just let go and fall right in. :rolleyes: you won't even look back. you'll forget what your life USED to be like pre-dogs and can't imagine it any other way.


Glad to hear you're excited about starting agility. I remember when I first started with Sierra, I'd look forward to class all week long. Just curious, where did you go for class?


If you're interested in watching a trial, there's one this weekend and also the weekend of March 19-20 in Youngsville, NC, which is probably about an hour or so east of you (it's north of Raleigh). Well-behaved spectator dogs and humans welcome.



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Laura, thanks for the encouragement :rolleyes: Haha, fall right in. 'Fraid its looking that way. You guys might just have helped make a monster out of me. :D


We went up to Jumps for Joy Agility Dog Training up in Stokesdale (about 30-35 mins from my house). The dogs are going to start OB at Bed and Biscuit next month, so when Natalie moves, I will probably send them to B&B for agility.


Are the trials on Saturday and Sunday? Where is the one this weekend? I definately would LOVE to see a trial. And yes, I am going nuts waiting for Tuesday to come around.


Can you tell me what a 16 inch dog is?? That way I can stop smiling and nodding like I actually know what that means. :D

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16" dog is one that jumps 16". the height your dog jumps is based on your dog's height. if your dog is less than 18" tall at the shoulder, you can jump her at 16" in NADAC (one of the 3 major agility org's in this area). Over 18" jumps 20". Or in the case of my 17.9" dog, I elect to jump her at 20" in NADAC b/c she jumps 22" in USDAA.


I know Natalie, the instructor you mention, she's nice and she runs a good program. I think she's moving out this way to go to school. I'm good friends with the instructor at B&B, Pam Christian. If you come out to the trial this weekend, you can meet Pam and her crazy Aussies. Pam's a really good instructor who teaches solid foundation work, so you'll be in good hands. Just don't tell her I said nice things about her or she'll hold it against me...LOL.


Directions to the trial this weekend at the Youngsville location are here:


Trial is both Saturday and Sunday, starting about 8am each day, and probably running until mid-afternoon. If you come, ask around for Laura, the course builder, that's me.

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Sixteen inch dog means she would jump sixteen in one of the venues - USDAA/NADAC I'm assuming since Bree is a mix. Laura can tell you the full significance of that.


Don't listen to Laura - I've been to Youngsville and it's no less than FIVE hours away. OK, I spent two hours in Durham but that was NOT my fault. :rolleyes: Seriously, it's an awfully nice place - it was lovely under the setting sun that day as we pulled in while everyone else was leaving. It's really probably is more like two hours from Laura than one-ish, however.

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Pam is doing agility at B&B now? Hey, I recommeded it before I even knew that! Oh, I think you did mention it before but I forgot. Hmmm, good thing I said NICE things about them. :rolleyes:


Pam knows me too, Laura (other Laura, oh dear, this is getting confusing). She goes to Steve, too. If I had extra $$ lying around I'd go up and take a class with you with Jen. She'd love it I know. Some of Pam's clothes smell like sheeeeeeeeep!

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oh yeah, I drive fast.


Laura, whatever you do, don't get directions from Becca. :rolleyes: I just looked at the directions on the website, and they are lacking a bit. gimme a sec and I'll come up with better ones. don't worry, I'm a traffic engineer, I won't get YOU lost, only Becca....hahahahahahahahahaha.

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Ummm, no offense to Carrie, but I'll pass on Lily. She's delightful - at a distance. Although I bet a lot of her "difficulties" would resolve with a better diet. Still, I prefer dogs that can breathe when they run. Out only one end. :rolleyes:


Yes, you can train Jen and tack on a perfect swimmer's turn for flyball too. Just pick her up anytime. :D

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Geez, I go to lunch and you guys go nuts?? :rolleyes: My email is lkwillie13@aol.com. I have a date with Becca's tatoo gun on Saturday, so it will most likely be Sunday that I could get there.


Hey, Becca gave good directions to her house. So, as long as we're going to her house, I think we're OK. :D

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That may be b/c she's worked all the kinks out of those directions on ME over the years. :rolleyes:

Sunday's perfect b/c it looks like rain Saturday. I emailed you directions. There'll be a lunch vendor and the girl scouts will be there selling cookies. Looking forward to meeting you. You can meet Jen and Hac & Ann's sisters.

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