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Ollie & Monty - BC/Cat integration

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I know a lot of people have trouble with this particular kind of species integration, and we were really worried about it at first. When we first brought Ollie (The BC) home at 7 months our 14 year old cat (Monty) hid under our bed for days. Although he was well and truly dog savvy from our previous dog, Monty sensed something different about the energy level permeating from this untrained and unruly animal.


So we kept them apart for around 2 months during which time short integration sessions were trying for all and involved the countless giving of high value treats in quick succession to negate the barking & lunging. The mere sound of cat footsteps down the hallway in the middle of the night would result in an immediate barking frenzy from within the covered crate.


One day we figured that were not progressing quickly enough and upped the anti, having Ollie on the leash and Monty with free reign and obviously understanding that we were in control, we ended the segregation.


We still have to keep and eye on them of course, and ensure that Monty's claws are clipped regularly, but this is the result: Ollie & Monty

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:lol: Sometimes we humans concern ourselves with things that the animals have under control.


By the way, love, love, love Ollie's fluffy-butt! But then, I'm a sucker for a rough coat.



Lewie's fluffy-butt

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