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Tim Medendorp Heart Transplant Benefit Trial at Pipedream Farm results

Pipedream Farm

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Mark and I wish to thank everyone for participating in this trial benefiting our brother-in-law. Sue Asten helped keep a fun, relaxed environment for all those nervous novice handlers! We also owe a special thank you to Todd Layfield and Peggy Simpson. Without their help, the trial would not be possible. Mark and I donated all costs for running the trial so that all donations and entry fees could be contributed to HELPHOPELIVE on Tim's behalf. I am pleased to say we have raised over $3,200! Todd and Peggy again outdid themselves hosting a delicious handler's dinner. They also generously offered to donate dinner donations for Tim as well. Trial photos are available through photoalchemy.co Lynn of Photoalchemy has graciously offered to donate a portion of photo sales to HELPHOPELIVE for Tim. It is truly touching to know what a caring community of handlers we have that came out to show support. Again, THANK YOU!






1. Pam Gardner Midge

2. Kyra Costanzo Tess

3. Kim Baker Skip

4. Emily Falk Gabe

5. Dan Weeks Tilly

6. Monroe Williams Moss

7. Peggy Simpson Davy

8. Dan Weeks Anna

9. Sandy Hornung Meg

10. Sharon Nunan Will



1.Renee Billadeau Tally

2. Mark Soper Gyp

3. Mark Billadeau Eve

4. Sally Molloy Sid

5. Robin Mongold Chad

6. Elayne Holbrook Glenn

7. Pam Gardner Kelsea

8. Michelle Dobbs Flora

9. Karen Karkow Moss

10. Karen Karkow Calvin



1.Pat Romano Tip

2. Sandy LeFevre Nym





1. Monroe Williams Moss

2. Nancy Starkey Rye

3. Kim Baker Skip

4. Pam Gardner Midge

5. Emily Falk Gabe

6. Emily Falk Spain

7. Mary Brighoff Lance

8. Pam Helton Ellie

9. Dan Weeks Anna

10. Robin Mongold Tanner



1.Karen Karkow Moss

2. Mark Billadeau Eve

3. Pam Gardner Kelsea

4. Irene Trewitt Boston

5. Sally Molloy Sid

6. Mark Soper Gyp

7. Irene Treweitt Gwen

8. Karen Karkow Calvin

9. Michelle Dobbs Flora

10. Morgan Dawkins Gilly




1. Sandy Lefevre Nym

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I also want to acknowledge those who sent "in spirit" entries as well. These are listed in no particular order. Some are listed with dogs still with us and others with dogs we wish still were.


1. Suzanne Gansky

2. Verna Krammes Willow

3. Megan Quigley Kaylie

4. Donald McCaig June

5. Janet Gauntt

6. Sue Rayburn Mac

7. Lynn Roberts Duncan

8. Cindy Evans Hope

9. Barb Klein Christa

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Hi Renee,


Thanks for the great news about the trial! It is absolutely wonderful that the trial was so successful, and that you raised so much money on Tim's behalf.


My thanks again to you, Mark, Sue, Peggy, Todd, and everyone who attended to help make this a truly special event.




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Thanks, Renee and Mark, for this wonderful trial for a great cause. My only complaint was not being able to be there, because I am sure I missed a quality and fun day.


Very best wishes to Tim!

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Wow, what a great donation! I enjoyed the information available at the trial and am glad to hear that he's been doing better.


You guys are getting pretty good at hosting trials...how about we do this again come fall? B)

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Lynn of Photoalchemy has graciously offered to donate a portion of photo sales to HELPHOPELIVE for Tim.



Thanks so much to the trial hosts, the judge, and to all whose made this trial so much fun! Pipedream Farm is a class act!


Just for clarification: I'm donating all sales (less expenses) to HELPHOPELIVE. (I'm not a good enough photographer to keep any portion for myself, nor would I want to keep anything that should go to helping Tim!).


Still frantically trying to finish processing photos. (It's taking me longer than I'd hoped because I keep learning new tricks in Photoshop, which is new to me). I plan to send out some "evaluation prints" today, and to have the first set up on my website tonight.

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