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Can anyone tell how old Sophie is in this shelter picture?

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This is the picture the Gwinnett County Shelter took of Sophie the day I first saw her. Any ideas of how young she was? She was found running in an apartment complex around Jan 26th and turned in to the leasing office. They put up flyers but no one claimed her so they called animal control. My guess is she was a "Christmas present" that escaped or was let go because I can imagine any other scenario.


She had baby teeth but I'm not certain they were all the way in. Besides Sophie attempted to nuzzle under the belly of my female Standard Poodle as if wanting to nurse the first day.post-13386-052551300 1339356506_thumb.jpg

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Yes, I was referring to BABY teeth in the previous photo - so sad isn't it! If she was just weaned before she was found wandering, would that put her about 6 weeks old on 1/31/2012 when I first saw her?


To check her out on the first meeting, I sat down on the floor with my knees inclined in front of me and laid her on her back propped up on my legs. Her underside was facing me. Sophie's length, not counting tail, fit between my lap and knees - about 12" (I am short legged).


These are a few pictures that I took on 2/04/2012 after wait time for owner reclaim when I did the paperwork (but wasn't allowed to visit with her). Her face was less rounded and her legs longer.



When I picked her up (right after surgery) 3 days later, she could stand up in a cat carrier.



The best standing/flying pictures were made on 2/17/2012 - when I discovered my swinging lens cap on a tether acted as an 'attack magnet'.

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All puppy teeth should be there by 8 weeks, and in fact she could have started losing puppy teeth between 8 and 12 weeks. So the pup starts getting baby teeth between 2-3 weeks, has them all by 8 weeks, and starts replacing them with adult teeth at 8-12 weeks. All adult teeth should be there by 8 months. You won't be able to pinpoint an exact date, but if all her baby teeth were there (remembering they don't have baby molars), then she was 6-8 weeks old. (Of course individual dogs can deviate from the norms....)



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She had all of her adult teeth by mid-May. The canines may still get a little longer but all the teeth looked full size about 3 weeks ago - about the time Sophie decided to try them out on Peaches. I guess that makes her about 8 months old.


How old are pups that most good breeder place? I had a Great Dane puppy that was placed too soon and he had terrible separation anxiety - would not eat or drink water if boarded in a kennel, would eat if my parents kept him but paced constantly - acted like a "real big goat pill" as my Mom would say. Hopefully Merlin's 'new people are the best audience for my tricks' care free attitude will rub off.

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