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Cold feet

Sue R

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I wasn't sure just where to post this question but I'm wondering (in light of the current cold temps) if other's dogs have problems with the cold and their feet.


I noticed today (where it's about 0 degrees out and the ground is snow-covered) that my dogs were picking up one foot or another as if it hurt to keep that foot on the ground. Actually, it was Celt and Bute, and it was always one hind foot or the other.


Now, my dogs live in the house so I expect that could contribute to the problem as they would be less acclimated to the cold and would assume that dogs that live outside in the cold might not have this issue.


We've been spending quite some time outside in recent 20 degree and below (or very windy) temps with no foot issues (other than ice balls), and only signs of shivering when the dogs were not active enough, as when they are waiting while we are feeding and therefore not playing or working in an active fashion.


Is there a temperature below which (especially with snow on the ground rather than just bare ground, perhaps) it is not safe for the dogs in terms of their feet alone, much less getting chilled in body or frostbite concerns for ears and other appendages?


We have not tended to have such cold temps since I got Celt, although we've experienced colder weather in the past and I can't say I noticed this problem in any other of our dogs (and I can't say it didn't happen, either - don't remember). My rule for today is potty trips outside only, unless it warms up significantly.


Any advice, things I could do (putting something on feet like vaseline), etc.?


Best wishes to all and stay warm and safe!

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No advice, but Ouzo was doing the same thing recently when the temperatures were in the negatives.


Although it seemed he did it more when the temps. just dropped, then he got used to it.


I simply rub the foot that he's holding up and then we continue our walk.


Luckily today we'll get 60 degrees here :D Sorry for all of you in the East :rolleyes:

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Hi Sue, Both Jazz and Cricket will do the "cold foot" hop as well. It lasts about 20-30 seconds maximum and they are back to normal. We deal with cold weather most of the winter and our dogs are both indoor dogs. Surprisingly, this only happens when we are out walking not when they are tearing around through the snow. Our temperatures have been in the -25 to -30 C for the past week or so and we still take all the dogs out for their walk - even Zachary but he wears a coat :rolleyes:

We tend not to go walking if the temperatures are that low and there is wind as well.

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We have had some wicked cold wind chills the past couple of days. I noticed especially yesterday that Bo was doing the foot hop, also. He wanted to play so badly, but after a couple throws we came in. I have been curtailing the outdoor time to just potty breaks. Poor guy has been going stir crazy, but without knowing how fast he could be affected I don't want to chance being out too long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ceana did the same thing when we were still in Colorado. My mom suggested that maybe all the constant snow was drying her pads out and that I should put a little lotion on her paws. I do not know if that was exactly the problem, but she did stop the cold paw cha-cha for a couple of days. Once she started again, more lotion.

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