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Herding classes? Or places to herd?

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I'd like to see how my pup reacts to sheep. As I've posted in a previous post, I believe she is part border collie and would like to have her doing some border collie things. Trouble is - I'm clueless as to where I can take her to learn to herd? I live in Pittsburgh. I've looked over the internet and can find no places around here. Does anyone have information on where there might be such a place in my area?


On an unrelated note - has anyone heard of dog DNA tests? Do they determine which breeds your dog is and are they accurate?

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Welcome, Wendy! I live in North-Central WV, not far from Morgantown, so I am not that far from you.


Sad to say, I am not aware of any really credible trainers in your area, or within a few hours of you. I find that I have to travel most of three hours East from here to get good training, and the number of options is very limited. Eastern MD, parts of VA, eastern KY are all places with good trainers/clinics but all are quite a drive for you.


Clinics are an alternative to a trainer but those tend to be even further in distance and held less frequently than lessons might be available. Some are found near the Philadelphia area and down in eastern MD, either of which is quite a haul for you.


I am not aware of anyone I could recommend in OH who gives lessons or clinics currently at a reasonable distance from you.

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Hi, Wendy,


I'm in Morgantown, too, and I have BCs, Corgis, and Corgi mixes. Hence I participate in various herding venues. I'd love to meet you sometime - and I can recommend trainers that aren't that far from you, depending on your dog's herding style. Also, a group of us are starting a sheep co-op and are in the process of developing a venue quite close to you. Send me your email address and I'll add you to our low-volume local herding list. My address is ASheepAtTheWheel at gmail dot com.


Having a couple of mixed breeds, I paid for a DNA test on a dog who is an apparent BCxCorgi, and it came back "Inconclusive." A friend used a different testing company for her hound mix, and got the same results. I personally wouldn't spend the $$ if I had it to do over again.


At any rate, welcome. Go back through the posts on this board to read topics of interest and to familiarize yourself with the personalities on the Board. It's a swell ride, and you're in good company. :rolleyes:



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Hi, Wendy,


I'm in Morgantown, too, and I have BCs, Corgis, and Corgi mixes. Hence I participate in various herding venues. I'd love to meet you sometime - and I can recommend trainers that aren't that far from you, depending on your dog's herding style. Also, a group of us are starting a sheep co-op and are in the process of developing a venue quite close to you. Send me your email address and I'll add you to our low-volume local herding list. My address is ASheepAtTheWheel at gmail dot com.


Having a couple of mixed breeds, I paid for a DNA test on a dog who is an apparent BCxCorgi, and it came back "Inconclusive." A friend used a different testing company for her hound mix, and got the same results. I personally wouldn't spend the $$ if I had it to do over again.


At any rate, welcome. Go back through the posts on this board to read topics of interest and to familiarize yourself with the personalities on the Board. It's a swell ride, and you're in good company. :rolleyes:





Thanks for the info on the DNA tests!! I think they are about $60 a test and I have 3 mutts so if they are not helpful in determining dog breeds I would not want to waste the money. How annoying it would be to come back Inconclusive!


I don't know my dog's herding style. She has never herded anything. I think she is a BC mix but I'm not even sure of that. I thought exposing her to a herding situation would help to determine whether she is BC. Please feel free to recommend trainers - I need someone with a lot of experience, as I have none!!

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