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playing with ferrets

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Just because they are herding dogs, doesn't mean they should be allowed to herd anything they want! Even ranch dogs that work sheep/cattle every day have to learn that they are only to herd when told to. A good ranch dog will walk with their handler around their stock, without herding them. I don't see any reason to not let them herd what you don't intend them to work.

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Linda said it right. Plus, do you indend to do actual herding with little Ouzo? Even though, he needs to know that the ferrets are not for herding, and most important, not to nibble on or treat as squeeky toys (something my Ouzo will gladly do :rolleyes: ).

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I thought that herding would be good for him...as an enrichment or good time...but I would definitely want him to get along with my ferrets. Like I said so far he's doing a great job with them and he's not herding them..or nipping them.. (sometimes only when he gets too excited he runs and doesn't pay attention ... runs over them...but now my ferrets respond playfully to that... although when he gets bigger it won't be such a good game for them). I thought that if we encourage his herding instict he wouldn't discriminate between what's ok to herd and what not. (maybe I underestimate them )

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i think by the time he gets a bit bigger, if he oversteps the mark the ferts will let him know soon enough! lol!

tikki likes to poke my friends ferts through the door mesh of their house.

it took a grand total of once for him to learn to not actually put his nose on the wire if the little beasties are just the other side :rolleyes:

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A good border collie understands the difference between livestock and other animals. Please, do not allow your dog to harm your other animals - teaching him not to mess with the ferrets will do nothing to diminish his drive on livestock. The only thing it's OK for him to work is the livestock that you've given him permission/command to work. When he's old enough, find yourself a good trainer, and go from there.

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Donna lol! I know what you mean!!! I think that Ouzo already knows that these little squeaky toy looking things don't mess around He already got jumped at by one of the girls.. and the other one is into nipping ankles/toes whether human or dog (our older dog has gotten lots of bites poor thing)


Carson oh my god! The ferrets are my babies I would never allow my pup to hurt them!! I'd rather die!!! They interact pretty well, Ouzo is really behaving. He just gets excited when he sees them playing with each other or running around and doing their antiques so he ends up running around the house (or ending up jumping and playing with our older dog)...

It's good to know however that he can distinguish between what's OK to herd and what not Thanks a lot guys!

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It's good to know however that he can distinguish between what's OK to herd and what not Thanks a lot guys!
That's not exactly what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that your dog doesn't think your ferrets are sheep. He doesn't think that children are sheep. He doesn't think a ball thrown is sheep - he knows the difference. However, his prey drive may come into play, and YOU need to control that. :rolleyes:


What he may do with your ferrets would be considered prey drive. Chasing children is prey drive related, etc., etc.


In other words, I'm just trying to reassure you that correcting him for actions with other animals does not diminish whatever working ability he may have inside of him - ferrets are not sheep. However, you DO need to correct inappropriate behavior.

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